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  • Présentation
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  • 4.8/5

Calmez l’agressivité de vos mixages
tout en conservant leur pleine puissance.

Le plug-in Brainworx bx_refinement pour UAD-2 et Apollo élimine de façon intelligente le côté dur et criard de vos pistes sans pour autant s’affranchir du caractère et du son de votre source.

Outil de mastering exceptionnel disposant également d’un traitement M/S (Mid/Side), le Brainworx bx_refinement confère à vos pistes la douceur analogique des lampes; une véritable bénédiction pour les ingénieurs de mixage qui cherchent à maîtriser le côté froid et désagréable du numérique sur des pistes individuelles.

Apporter à vos stations de travail équipées d'UAD-2 et d'Apollo le son typique d'une chaîne de mastering analogique à lampes

Adoucir avec délicatesse la dureté des hautes fréquences dans les mixages et les masters

Injecter de la saturation et de la présence pour améliorer vos pistes avec subtilité

Utiliser la fonction Solo pour écouter précisément ce que vous retirez de l'enregistrement

Caractéristiques Principales

Atténue l'agressivité et apporte de la vie aux enregistrements

Atténuation fixe, dynamique ou par modulation des fréquences non désirées

Traitement Mid/Side

Atténuation Soft & Hard avec un filtrage de second ordre et un filtrage d'ordre supérieur respectivement

Filtre Solo permettant de n'entendre que ce vous supprimez de l'enregistrement

Saturation subtile et contrôle de présence pour améliorer le contenu sonore sans en changer le caractère
Requiert une carte DSP UAD-2 ou une Interface Audio Apollo disponibles chez les revendeurs agréés dans le monde entier

Avis clients

Brainworx bx_refinement

Evaluation Globale


M. Cook

23 décembre 2023

Good results if used sparingly!

I like this plugin especially on guitars with harsh frequencies. Have to be careful to use in moderation though as tone decreases otherwise. All in all a useful tool to have.


15 septembre 2023

Good sound nice

Best in delivering the expected temperature


15 septembre 2023

Good sound nice

Best in delivering the expected temperature

R. Thorogood

2 juillet 2023

Does exactly what it says on the tin.

To quote the UA infomercial “The Brainworx bx_refinement plug-in for UAD-2 and Apollo tastefully removes the harsh, hard edges of your tracks without dramatically altering the character and tone of your source material.” And IME that’s exactly what it does, even when used in a voice-over chain following Soothe 2 and / or Spiff, where you might perhaps not necessarily have expected it to add so much to the overall result. Extremely useful plugin!

D. Ho

24 juin 2023


I use bx_refinement to warm up harsh, bright tracks. What this plug-in achieves with a couple of controls used to take me quite awhile with EQs. And honestly, i think it does it better because it adds tube warmth!

A. Smith

21 septembre 2022

Great for getting rid of harsh frequencies

Secret weapon for getting rid of them harsh sounds, would recommend!

M. Kipp

19 juillet 2022

fast and easy

For refining harsh vocals it's that easy to work with this tool

S. Cee

5 février 2022

Harsh Vocals Refinement Is The answer

Great For Mixing A Vocal To Perfection If Needed.

J. Johnson

18 novembre 2021

Cheat Code

Tames and smoothes out harsh signals very nicely! For me it’s secret weapon!

F. DeAngelis

26 juin 2021

Time saver

A great mastering tool to quickly tame the all too common problem of upper midrange harshness(@3-3.5khz) with the option to add back some presence and even saturation. It does this in an analog sounding, ear pleasing way. The dozen or so presets are great starting points. It can be used to subtly sweeten and warm things up or to strongly subdue a truly harsh mix. It’s great to be able to hear what is being removed with the solo filter. In a word - smooth.

H. van Oortmerssen

24 mai 2021

Subtlety is the operative word...

What a serious little gem...!!

A. Bäckström

22 janvier 2021


I think this is better than soothe on the master. I use it on full mixes.

K. Breazeale

20 janvier 2021

A Must Have

If you are trying to achieve a true, fat, analog mix free from harsh highs, mids and transients, then this app is definitely for you. There's even a dozen or more presets that will fit just about every flavor you desire. So, there's no need to spend hours turning knobs and faders. Work smarter, not harder.

C. Bruce

27 décembre 2020

BX is Greg

What bad things can you say about BX? I use this to tame samples.

C. Bruce

23 décembre 2020


Takes that harshness out your mix and it’s BX so you know it’s good

a. tebbaa

16 décembre 2020


you must have it in your arsenal, it's really softens the complex sound

D. Ashton

20 octobre 2020


I haven't had time to check it out since purchase but I got it because it works great. My ears can last much longer without the irritating high's in the mix. Thanx again UAD!!

s. Pfeiffer

3 juin 2020

Haven’t needed it on a mix yet, but...

I know this has been billed as a mastering tool, but haven’t had to tame any overly harsh mixes yet. However, it has bailed me out of two instances more than once. DI recorded acoustic guitar parts, as well as a boat load of ancient DAT transfers. It paid for itself
On the latter project in a few hours.
Very unique plug....

s. Pfeiffer

3 juin 2020

Haven’t needed it on a mix yet, but...

I know this has been billed as a mastering tool, but haven’t had to tame any overly harsh mixes yet. However, it has bailed me out of two instances more than once. DI recorded acoustic guitar parts, as well as a boat load of ancient DAT transfers. It paid for itself
On the latter project in a few hours.
Very unique plug....

s. Pfeiffer

3 juin 2020

Haven’t needed it on a mix yet, but...

I know this has been billed as a mastering tool, but haven’t had to tame any overly harsh mixes yet. However, it has bailed me out of two instances more than once. DI recorded acoustic guitar parts, as well as a boat load of ancient DAT transfers. It paid for itself
On the latter project in a few hours.
Very unique plug....