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  • 4.9/5
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Prix tarif : $349.00


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An era-defining digital reverb.

From the moment it was unleashed in 1978, the Lexicon 224 Digital Reverb — with its tactile, slider-based controller and famously lush reverb tail — single-handedly defined the sound of an entire era.

From Talking Heads' Remain In Light to U2's The Unforgettable Fire, the Lexicon 224 remains one of the most popular digital reverb units of all time. Now you can track and mix with this singular piece of audio history with the Lexicon 224 Reverb plug-in.

Versions incluses

UAD Native
Fonctionne sur votre Mac ou PC sans le matériel d’UA.

Apollo Realtime & UAD-2
Fonctionne en mode accéléré sur les interfaces Apollo et les systèmes UAD-2.

Configuration système requise : les plug-ins UAD natifs fonctionnent sur macOS 10.15 Catalina ou une version ultérieure, ainsi que sur Windows 10 et 11. Consultez notre page d’aide dédiée pour connaître la configuration système requise.

  • Track and mix with the legendary Lexicon 224 Digital Reverb, using the same algorithms as the original hardware
  • Employ eight classic reverb programs and one chorus program on drums, vocals, guitars, and more
  • Use the Plate and Concert programs for vintage '80s sounds
  • Mix with presets from famous Lexicon 224 users Chuck Zwicky (Prince), Kevin Killen (Peter Gabriel), and others

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UAD Quick Tips
UAD Quick Tips

UAD Quick Tips

In this video, learn how to thicken lead vocals, tighten up drum loops, and give synths stunning ambience with the Lexicon 224.

A Breakthrough in Emulation

A Breakthrough in Emulation

Using the exact algorithms and control processor code from the original hardware, the Lexicon 224 plug-in precisely captures all eight legendary reverb programs and the chorus program — based on the Lexicon 224's final and hard-to-find firmware version 4.4. The Lexicon 224 plug-in also incorporates the original hardware’s input transformers and early AD/DA 12-bit gain stepping converters.

Easy Navigation

Easy Navigation

Every parameter from the original hardware is present in the Lexicon 224 plug-in, and exposed as dedicated sliders and buttons. Lexicon’s distinctive Bass/Mid “split decay” adjustments and Crossover control set the highly tunable reverb image, while the Treble Decay rolls off high frequencies. Use the Depth control to adjust the distance between source and reverb, while Predelay produces a short delay between the sound source and the onset of reverberation. Diffusion affects how quickly the echo density in the reverb builds up over time.

Modeled to the Last Detail

Modeled to the Last Detail

For total authenticity, the UA-exclusive System Noise control enables or disables the inherent dynamic system noise of the original Lexicon 224 hardware — removing the modeled gain stepping, parameter zippering, and quiescent noise. Clicking the “Open” text to the right of the display panel exposes several hidden controls, including Input/Output gain and Pitch Shift, and even a selectable “Bug Fix” mode which enables/disables historical bug fixes from the Hall B and Chorus programs. Taken together, the Lexicon 224 plug-in is the world’s most authentic model of a true studio classic.

Watch The Reviews

      Key Features

      Lexicon-endorsed, using the very algorithms from the original hardware
      Models entire analog circuit and digital path for total authenticity
      Eight reverb programs and one chorus program from final Lexicon v.4.4 firmware
      Features Artist Presets from famous Lexicon 224 users
      All of the original parameters maintained including unique Lexicon Bass/Mid split decay and Mode Enhancement
      Plug-in only features such as Dry/Wet Mix and System Noise defeat/enable

      Avis clients

      Lexicon 224 Digital Reverb

      Evaluation Globale


      L. Predator

      20 novembre 2024


      Impressionante a qualidade desse plugin! Consegui os resultados que queria rapidamente!

      J. Ligner

      3 octobre 2024

      LEXICON 224 Reverb

      Familiar with Lexicon effects, I just bought this plugin to get a good "goto" reverb for my daw. I am not disappointed yet, on the other hand, for now I don't find it easy to tune. The sounds I get are really huge, often more than I need. Anyway, I love how it looks and feels.

      D. Gill

      1 octobre 2024

      Classic sound

      Surprisingly small dsp usage for brilliant classic sound

      S. Lombardo

      22 septembre 2024

      Non ha bisogno di presentazioni

      Riverbero digitale divenuto cult. Solido e deciso.Consiglio.

      R. Fiuza

      15 août 2024


      Amazing recreation of a classic !

      A. Paut

      16 juillet 2024

      Digital Reverb Lexicon L224, incredibly realistic sound

      Lexicon L224, a fabulous reverb with an incredibly realistic sound, easy to use with its precise and comprehensive functions.
      I can't do without it anymore, it has become my basic reverb !

      R. Escobar

      12 juillet 2024

      Excellent Reverb

      Excellent Rever for voices! it´s in my template now

      H. Klueh

      7 juillet 2024

      lush, fits good into my workflow

      lush awesome hall, fits into my workflow and compositions. well done!

      K. Kim

      27 juin 2024

      이건 못 참지!

      이거 없으면 녹음 못함 무조건 필수!

      M. Breu

      25 juin 2024

      Really Nice

      A very lush sounding unit/plugin. Definitely that Lexicon sound. I like both Lexicon plugins available right now.

      E. Esper

      23 juin 2024

      Lexicon 224 Digital Reverb

      This is A very Good reverb Works on Pretty Much Anything I use it On Easy to Use It looks and Sounds Just like the real thing As with Most UAD Plugins

      L. Brown

      22 juin 2024



      D. Bassal

      22 juin 2024

      Seems better than the original

      I never liked Lexicon reverbs when they were the big guy in town. They were a massive standard, and well, sounded... standard, which, in music production, is a very bad idea. In this plugin form, lost among many, many others, they have a place and a distinct personality, which make them usable again.

      P. Savolainen

      18 juin 2024

      Excellent (what else could it be)

      Very good late 70's type of lexicon sound.
      It isn't 480 though, it is somewhat different sound. I think you need both.

      J. Pena

      14 juin 2024

      Just really good

      The very first thing I used this on when I got the demo was on vocals for a old style bluesy rock song. I had to mess with it for a little to get a sound I liked, but when I got it there, it sounded really good. It sounded like the vocal and reverb just blended into each other in a way that I never got from any other reverb plugin that I own. By the way for me to get that sound I send a slap delay (galaxy echo) into the reverb, and I also blended in a little bit of the pure plate verb. After I heard that, I purchased the 224 the next day.

      A. Pradier

      14 juin 2024

      Excellente Reverb!

      Il y a pas à dire, cette reverb sonne très bien et elle est très flexible sur les voix et instruments.
      Comme d'habitude avec la qualité UAD.
      Je vous la recommande.

      M. Woods

      12 juin 2024


      I just run my vocals through the Lexicon 224 Digital Reverb…job done!
      I don’t spend a lot of time tweaking need..default is excellent..just take it out of solo . The soundscape possibilities are endless.

      G. Hebert

      10 juin 2024

      Five star

      I just bought this plugin and I'm blown away by the difference compared to other Lexicon plugins out there. It's a game-changer, I love it !!

      s. ayton

      10 juin 2024

      Really worthwhile

      Not required of you have an outboard Lexicon of any standing, just use an insert and introduce your old effects unit into your workflow. Even an old LXP1 or Alex had this vibe. Gets the PCM70
      Vibe though which is a lovely flavor.
      I preferred it to the 480L when you want to really hear the reverb but the 480L lets you create incredibly long sound design type tails. You don’t need this though if you use Convology XT (free) or any other IR reverb so it’s really for those who always wanted a 480L which I am one too. I do really like the interface with the faders right there, you can’t get around the research that was done into the original user interface but falls short in that midi control should be implemented clearly so you can assign controls to emulate this workflow. Bigtime missed opportunity here but that’s the problem with the plugin world. Not enough synergy between the tactile and mouse worlds. Anyway, it’s the UAD reverb plugin to get for the old school studio reverb unit vibe.

      S. bagman

      17 mars 2024

      The best plagin

      Thank you for the beautiful plugin Uad