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  • Présentation
  • Caractéristiques
  • Avis clients
  • 4.8/5

Limiteur brickwall aux performances supérieures, de conception originale UA.

Le plug-in Precision Limiter pour systèmes UAD-2 et interfaces Apollo est un limiteur brickwall prédictif - ou lookahead - à simple bande, avant tout destiné aux mixages et masters.Facile à utiliser, le plug-in Precision Limiter est un limiteur de mastering transparent, sans coloration.

. Il ne fait appel à aucun suréchantillonnage, et le son ne passe au travers d'aucun filtre, restant ainsi inchangé, sauf si le compresseur est en service, auquel cas seul le gain est affecté.

Utiliser le Mode Contour qui n'a pas son pareil pour modifier l'attaque, la forme, et le caractère d'une piste

Éviter facilement l'écrêtage sur les masters, les pistes et les bus

Exploiter l'absence de coloration du limiteur pour une transparence maximale

Mesurer le niveau avec une précision professionnelle grâce aux spécifications du « K-system » de Bob Katz

Caractéristiques Principales

Limiteur de type brickwall avec fonction prédictive à 1,5 ms, sans dépassement

Un limiteur totalement transparent, ne colore pas le signal

Modes de mesure standards Peak/RMS, K-12,K-14 et K-20

Relâchement automatique intelligent ou réglable par l'utilisateur

Mode Contour unique permettant de sculpter l'attaque

Requiert une carte DSP UAD ou une Interface Audio Apollo disponibles chez les revendeurs agréés dans le monde entier

Avis clients

Precision Limiter

Evaluation Globale


R. Lebowitz

26 octobre 2024

First 5-star

I hesitate to rate anything with five stars because you never know. But this precision limiter is one of the best tools I've ever used in the studio. I paid a lot of extra money for this one plug-in and it's worth every penny.

P. Wilson

2 octobre 2024

Love It!

I love the sound of the precision limiter! I think paired with the maximizer, it's just next level in what it offers! I still have a small hunch it does let some very small rogue transients through at times, which will spike my MAAT meter at -1, but I'm still putting it through the paces. I hope to find out sooner why that's the case! But the limiter itself is pristine! Money well spent!

P. Wilson

2 octobre 2024

Love It!

I love the sound of the precision limiter! I think paired with the maximizer, it's just next level in what it offers! I still have a small hunch it does let some very small rogue transients through at times, which will spike my MAAT meter at -1, but I'm still putting it through the paces. I hope to find out sooner why that's the case! But the limiter itself is pristine! Money well spent!

R. Kerbage

13 août 2024

Crystal analog

Great for modern production, especially if you’re looking for transparency, a staple in my mastering chain, paired with the shadow Hills mastering compressor makes for a ultramodern finish.

R. Kerbage

13 août 2024

Crystal analog

Great for modern production, especially if you’re looking for transparency, a staple in my mastering chain, paired with the shadow Hills mastering compressor makes for a ultramodern finish.

M. Schneider

13 juillet 2024


to make your Precision mastering tools complete

A. Thierry

12 juin 2024


This tool doesn’t have many knobs or many function like other gear but it’s still the best because it’s clean transparent transient friendly .. a pure weapon in your master and bus ..

L. De Caro

3 mai 2024


Produto excelente , usando em todas as minhas masters.

G. Healey

28 avril 2024

Pretty perfect

Great for mastering. Easy to use. Very powerful.

D. Garcia Crook

16 avril 2024

The Limiter

Along with the Precision Maximizer The precision Limiter makes this combo a 1-2 Punch for a mastering flawless knock out"

B. Polajnar

1 février 2024

Best Limiter Ever

This is best Limiter ever made for my taste and please made it native as well. Soon as possible. Native masters cant be finished without native PL.
Best of the Best for sure.

F. San Filippo

26 janvier 2024

It limits!

Not as feature-rich as newer limiters, but very clean and efficient, with very quick workflow.

A. Ogarev

17 janvier 2024

Precision Limiter


R. Goodman

4 janvier 2024

Great for Master

Recent purchase, been using it on the master, sounds great so far.

M. Lantz

31 décembre 2023


This limiter is easy to use and sound terrific!

U. Behboudi

18 décembre 2023

Precision limiter

The only Perfect limiter for make mix And mastering.

R. Thorogood

17 décembre 2023


For voiceover this can in my experience deliver really clean and transparent limiting, in a really simple and easy-to-use package. Whilst not seemingly as exciting and apparently esoteric as some of the more historic/ boutique plug-ins that perform a similar function, one doesn’t always need excitement and added colour. Highly recommended

D. Pintaldi

15 décembre 2023

Easy and Fast setting and metering

I found this limiting very effective for mastering.
Its musical and clean limiting allows to get good lufs level without artifacts and color change.
The meter scale is very precise and helpful too.

C. Brown

11 décembre 2023

Powerful, yet Simple

Don't let the simplicity of this limiter fool you. It's quite powerful considering it's ease of use.


4 décembre 2023

Rất ok

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