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Waterfall Rotary Speaker

Evaluation Globale

81-99 sur 99 résultats

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M. Glover

21 mars 2023

Love it!

Sounds great on everything.

R. Weissauer

15 mars 2023

Dieses Plugin ist absoluter Schrott

This may (???) be a nice effect plugin, but has nothing (!!!) whatsoever to do with a real Leslie cabinet, of which I personally own and use two different ones for more than 25 years. The original ones do have a very mellow and beautiful sound if softly driven, but can go up to a very cranky, but still soft sound if highly driven. This plugin however only produces some highly distorted artificial sounds, additionally overdone by filtering. This has nothing to do with a real Leslie cabinet. And this is the very first UAD plugin I really dislike. Unfortunately I did not test it beforehand, but trusted UAD! I repeat, I strongly dislike this plugin !!!

d. curtiss

14 mars 2023

soooo close

as with so many ua plugins now you can not use them in console. this is the plugin i have dreamed about for years and it sounds fantastic. but, i hope with all the focus on native plugins they do not leave out those of us who have invested heavily in their awsome interfaces.

M. Brown

8 mars 2023


This is the best rotary effect I've ever come across. Period!


8 mars 2023

Usuable, authentic with lots of good presets

I have a real Leslie, actually I got several, the Fender, Reussenzehn, Solton….they are all a bit different and really good sounding, a sensation in the room sonically. But they all share that the real ones are hard to microphone and you need tons of good mics, preamps, the space to set them up and then of course mic the room….the Waterfall Leslie sounds so good that I will think twice before I spend an hour to set up one of the a.m. real units. And as much as I love the big boxes, I mainly use the Leslie sound for colouring certain parts. With all the presets, the mic selection and the stunning sound of the Waterfall plug-in/Native I am really happy and it improved my workflow as I am able to quickly try that sound and not loose loads of time

T. Doyle

5 mars 2023

Sounds so real

Fantastically real. I already loved it on the Waterfall B3 and straight away thought it would be awesome as a standalone … and it is.
Adds vibe to vocals, guitars, rhodes, anything really.

The extra speed controls are great and give you even more options
I am hoping it finds its way into DSP somehow to be able to inspire as you play but even without that its still worth it.

S. L'Espérance

4 mars 2023

Super accurate

Nice sounding plugin. Would be amazing to have it as a plugin in console. Also a knob to reduce the mechanics would be great. But this plugin is the real deal, amazing sound, I tested them all and this one wins for sure.

E. Midzic

4 mars 2023

Sehr gut


E. Midzic

4 mars 2023


Sehr realistisch
Sehr nutzbar


3 mars 2023


Very good in E Guitar.

J. Dollard

2 mars 2023

The best

This is the best rotary Leslie, I’ve ever heard… Without having to carry it around wow !


2 mars 2023

Will not download

Therefore I cannot use it

S. van der Werff

1 mars 2023

This is a very good emulation.

This gives you a very valid and convincing Leslie sound. It beats all of the other rotary FX that I've tried. I've used it on vocals, guitars and other things, you can even just use the amp or the noise. It's character is amazing. If you love real, acoustic instruments, you'll love this.

I work on many different systems on big projects, always bringing a Twin or a Satellite, sometimes leaving me short in DSP. This has pushed me towards alternatives of competitors, just for native usability. Even when I'd prefer the UA plug-ins. Who needs external DSP? I need more native plug-ins. Native (and/or Unison) is the way to go.

D. Case

28 février 2023


Been waiting for this since they introduced the Waterfall. I like to run it in a parallel bus in Luna for guitars for just the right amount of warble...

J. Porto

24 février 2023

Give me that Leslie grind!

Sounds fantastic. Stereo version stays present in the mix. Nice to be able to change mics for different flavors. I'm partial to the Coles ribbon and tube 67. Very warm, chewy vintage sound, great on synth bass and guitar. Would be nice to have more control over mic position rather than the 3 positions available, particularly variable distance.

No problem using it live natively at 96k, 128 sample buffer as far as latency. So I do not miss UAD version. And LUNA has added the small buffer option, so can even be used live as native in LUNA.

As for price, I look at the big picture. Luna was completely unexpected and remains free. I feel like any plugins I purchase also go to LUNA development. To get the Waterfall AND Luna native compatibility on the same day, for $99....heck yes, take my money.

Keep it up UA!!!

R. Jaenke

23 février 2023

Fantastic Rotary plug!

I am in love with this kind of effect in general, that's why I own most of the plugin solutions and I think am very picky about them! So I actually was never really 100% happy with the results I got from the ones I had. Nothing so far could beat my Neo Vent 2 pedal (which models another version of that rotary speaker).
So I was super happy to see this coming up, tried it and love it! As it is often the case, everyone needs to decide for her-/himself if one likes the sound, and I definitely think this one provides at least what I expected!
A DSP version might be a nice addition, so I could also use it with my Apollo x more seamlessly but actually I very much appreciate UAD moving towards the native realm, making use of what is (and will be) available there.

M. Ivey

22 février 2023

A True Leslie Cabinet emulation!!

Very well familiar with the Leslie rotary speaker systems via church venues and also being around them in funk and soul band setups. Love the sound and the plugin is closer to the original than any of the other similar simulation plugins I have in my arsenal. If you just want a rotary sound... sure any plugin can probably accomodate. BUT if you no the sonic difference between a rotary sound plugin and a leslie cabinet then you'll love this plugin! It won't disappoint.

I would agree with others though that it definitely should be available for DSP integration BUT at the other end of the spectrum..... I have often found myself push my DSP load to the limit so having the option to distribute some of the load to my system is nice.

UAD, please listen to your loyal patrons and provide this plugin on the UAD platform as well. I would find it a benefit as well.

J. Greiner

21 février 2023


This is by far the best Leslie emulation I’ve ever used.

D. Cardamone

17 février 2023

Amazing and Innovative

I was surprised when I saw this in my email on my Spark subscription and I tried it and it's so fun and unique and whimsical this is the sort of thing that I like and dig.

81-99 sur 99 résultats