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UAD-2 Satellite Thunderbolt 3

Evaluation Globale

1261-1280 sur 1577 résultats

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T. Lash

12 février 2017

Flawless integration

UAD-2 Satellite gives me seamless access to more DSP for these amazing plugins. Couldn't have been easier to setup and add to my studio setup. Just plug it in, and power it up. The performance benefit is huge and thunderbolt makes it easy.

S. Savacool

12 février 2017

Level Up!

So, there is not a whole lot to say in terms of great tone and versatility, but this little guy packs all the punch in all the right places. I got a free satellite with my purchase of my Apollo 8 this past December. I also traded up for an Apollo Twin Quad MKII. Now, I am running at 10 DSP and pretty damn happy about it! I can run plugins for days. What is really nice is that I don't have to feel limited when I am being creative. Really, there are no cons and a whole lot of pros to this device. One thing I did find odd (and this is by no means anything near a complaint) is that when you register this device you get a $100 coupon, same as the Apollo 8, but when you register the Apollo Twin Quad, something that is definitely more expensive than the Satellite, you only get a $50 coupon. I just found that odd, is all. Also, has UA thought of developing a Thunderbolt cable that is longer than 6 feet? That would be kind of nice, too.

V. Ratz

12 février 2017

UAD-2 Satellite - Real power

This added a ton of processing power to my current Apollo 8p. Everything you guys do is top notch. No corners cut...EVER.

M. Jiaras

12 février 2017

Works perfectly as expected

Works perfectly as expected

V. Waltinger

11 février 2017

Worth about 10 stars actually

My system is a 2014 i7 Quad MBP, macOS Sierra 10.12.3, Pro Tools 12HD, Logic Pro X 10.3, Cubase Pro 9 and tons of other high end (and not so high end) plug ins like Waves, MCDSP, SSL etc. and you know what? My new TB Octo Satellite is the best working piece of gear I have owned as yet (together with my TB Apollo) besides it´s almost inexhaustible power to run tons of those exceptional, outstanding UAD plug ins. I chained it with my Apollo and it perfectly worked from the first second on. Simply great! Not usual today indeed when even high end soft- and hardware developers come out with new stuff which doesn't work as supposed to from time to time. Not so Universal Audio. Thanks for that! Definitely worth the price at the end of the day. Highly recommended piece of gear!

R. Pressman

10 février 2017

Really handy

Nice to have a small, portable unit that can manage my plug-ins and handle the DSP load.

P. Sansone

9 février 2017

Love it!

Love It!! A fantastic addition to my Apollo 16. UA again comes forth with a game changer!

J. Mull

9 février 2017

UAD-2 Satellite Excellent Power booster.

This piece of hardware was super easy to install and brought so much extra power to my existing setup. Feels robust and proper perfect size to travel with if i need to.
Now i don't have to worry about using my favorite plugins such as the NEVE Channel strip and Manley EQ. Thank you UAD for all your amazing products.

T. Masuda

8 février 2017


I love I got 35DSP!!!

M. Johnson

8 février 2017

simple and easy install

out of all the Audio gear i've (i've had alot) there is nothing out there more simple to install. plug it in launch installer and that's it.truly Plug and play Wish everything was a simple. YouTube video shows how simple

P. Hong

8 février 2017

must have

seriously must have

A. Milyukov

7 février 2017

Satellite Octo

This is a great, compact and powerful device. I am very glad. I'll buy another one.

T. Petlele

7 février 2017

Uad 2 satellite thunderbolt Octo

Got this beast two weeks ago, now i can mix larger projects with great ease.

J. Morra

7 février 2017

More useful than I expected!

I usually use many tracks in one project, full of Virtual instruments and effects make my mac stumble. Got Uad-2 satellite OCTO for distributing cpu power to Uad dsps. Works great and my workflow is going much more smoothly.
Besides it's DSP power, Uad exclusive plugins are terrific. Testing plugins during demo period, and I've found that I should get a bunch of them.

J. Russell

6 février 2017

UAD 2 Satellite

This thing is great!!! Much needed boost for my system.

J. Russell

6 février 2017

UAD Satellite Review

This thing is awesome! Helped boost much needed power!

H. Hsieh

6 février 2017

More DSP is always better!

More DSP is always better!!!

N. Sofranac

6 février 2017

Simple & effective

I've got my promotional UAD-2 Satellite for free with my Apollo 8 - Quad.
Simply connected the thunderbolt cable to my apollo, switched it on and BOOM - there you go! Doubled my DSP horsepower! Working fine with Sierra, Logic X on my iMac end 2015 (4Ghz, i7, 32 GB, 4GB graphics)

One thing @ Universal audio: why would you not deliver the cables that are needed to connect the devices you ship and with cables I mean one thunderbolt cable per device.
That would make all of us a lot happier ;)

o. Millot

5 février 2017

Just perfect

Installation is very simple.

Works instantly.

Boost my apollo 8 significantly!

Since I 've started using UAD products, I can focus only on my creativity and forget about technical problems!

D. van Haarlem

5 février 2017

Seamless Satellite :)

Don't need more inputs, but for mixing my new Satellite Quad is the answer. Plus it is small enough to take with me "on the road" for mixing on my Macbook Pro. Back in the studio I daisy chain multiple Apollo units for combined horsepower! Installation was as easy as registering the new unit, et voila... All my plugins authorized for my new UAD2 Satellite Quad as well. No more plugin disabling for me anymore :-)

1261-1280 sur 1577 résultats