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UAD Studio Edition

Evaluation Globale

9541-9560 sur 12711 résultats

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A. Lee

29 septembre 2016

The sound of HEAVEN

I tend to look for the analog style sound (as most of us probably do these days). The range of 'analog' tonalities that this thing can offer is quite breathtaking

D. Williams

28 septembre 2016

Fantastic EQ

I didn't do A/B comparisons with the Legacy bundle but I didn't pay much for the Pultec Passive EQ collection and felt I needed it. Whether it is necessary or not you'll have to decide. For me this is a fantastic EQ. I have lots of great EQs, some quite flexible and powerful. I love the DMG Audio stuff. However, the Pultec EQs are magical. I use them all over my projects including the mix buss. They can add a wonderful high end lift to anything without being harsh and can pump up the low end in a meaty way. It is hard to explain really but you start turning the knobs and you're like, wow, that sounds like a record. My only complaint is you don't get a plug with all the modules like legacy. Fix that and this gets an A+.

k. z

28 septembre 2016

greatd comp!

i use a lot of instruments, mixes. I love this comp!

m. matatquin

27 septembre 2016

Depth and vibe!

I noticed a huge difference as soon as I replaced the Pultec Legacy (that I have used for years) for the new versions on my mix bus. It's night and day. So much better sounding and a 3d quality to my mixes. And it's just passing audio thru it. Should've got this sooner

S. Cherniaev

27 septembre 2016


Great. №1 for drums and percussion. Small pale Kick began to sound tight and confident. Lonely Snare made friends with the song. Only two handles - INPUT and OTPUT! Magic!


26 septembre 2016


I also own the studer and the ampeg, but the oxide sound different: warm, Punchy.. Love it, Easy to use.
Simply amazing.
The best I've heard.

Great job UA!!!!

V. Koenig

25 septembre 2016


The best BBD plug in i`ve heard, it comes very close to the original CE-1. Great on Guitars, Wurli / Rhodes and Synthesizers like DX 7 and my beloved PPG Wave 2 and PPG 360 Wave Computer.The Brigade Chorus Pedal gives a smile to all Synthesizer plug ins too :)
Well done....and cheers.

z. de

23 septembre 2016

I like the sound

Yes, the classic sound,Feel already very close to the hardware of sound

G. Link

23 septembre 2016

Great plugin for a great price.

Great little plug. I also own the Ampex ATR-102 and at first thought that would be enough, but the Oxide is capable of putting a great little lofi crunch on guitars, bass, etc -- just enough to warm it up and give it some grit, a little edge, and cut off some of those hi's to give it some of that analog tape vibe (if that's what you're going for...which I am!)

R. Paasche

23 septembre 2016

Sound is good like the original!

It sounds impressively similar to the original Boss stump pedal, but I've always missed the possibility to adjust the chorus rate on the original pedal, not only the vibrato rate, so I suggest that UA would give us this opportunity, (e.g. a switch for chorus on the rate button). I have a newer Boss CE-3 stereo chorus with rate, depth and stereo mode (Left=Direct, Right=Effect or Left=D-E, Right=D+E) which sound quite similar, but with the "rate" adjustment set to slow rates it sound quite similar to the Dimension D and to up-speed rates more like a fast Leslie-rotor effect.


22 septembre 2016

Simple et efficace

Je n'étais pas familier du tout des émulations de bandes et me demandais ce que cela apportait vraiment. Je l'ai utilisé sur des bois et des cordes principalement et le rendu est vraiment bluffant. Le son semble bien plus chaud et précis. En plus, il est simple d'utilisation.

E. White

22 septembre 2016

Oxide Tape Recorder

wow!! simply amazing. the best I've heard.

V. Salvaggio

21 septembre 2016

You need this

I own multiple real 1176's, this plugin has no noticeable difference to me, it's perfect

A. Schaefer

20 septembre 2016

Great EQ you have to listen to!!!

This EQ make your records sound unique by only putting it on the channel. But when you want to shape your sound, so you're able to do it just without concentrating on any graphs and parameters. All you should do is listen to it and this is the beauty of this plug-in.

J. Dupree

19 septembre 2016

Lexicon is the truth

The best for raw warm crispy space designing.... I use it for all of my analog style mixing...... Also the bass and treble timing is something different that I like about

A. Nadaf

19 septembre 2016

Love the character/Color

This is obviously very versatile. Like the way i can push things hard or just soft. But i just love the character/color the LA-2A silver offers.
Thanks to UA for this amazing emulation.

C. Halle

19 septembre 2016


If you don't have the money for a real one..use these. Annndd even if you do...You now have an arsenal of 1176s at your disposal. The main vocal already has your analog blue stripe strapped across it but you still want to compress a guitar?? Want to tickle a bass a bit before you send it out to your LA2A? In a rush and want to just stay in the box? They sound almost as good as the real thing..and in some instances, are actually better for the job. Super easy, super fun, and super kicking sound! I'm still holding on to my analog all buttons in for drums though! although these do a great job on that too.

D. Spooner

18 septembre 2016


Never used a real hardware version, and had only previous experience with the legacy (which was still nice), and the Waves one.... But now I'm just even more confused what separates them and makes them all different.. they are nice though.

J. Schwab

17 septembre 2016

instant tape sound

I also own the studer and the ampeg, but the oxide is faster to dial in and sounds different: 7,5 for cleaning up mud in the low mid range (great for bass or e-piano), 15 for warmth and sizzling harmonics with Ccir-EQ (vocals, acoustic guitar...). Very good preset-organisation, too. I wish there would be comparable presets for other plugs (organized in terms of use/instrument than in terms famous knob-twisters).

C. Stylianides

17 septembre 2016

So far so good

I like Gray a lot, for tracking and for keeping things warm. Also it's really smooth. Silver is a bit more drastic and gives that natural brightness but I feel it takes away lows even if you apply 0 gain reduction, this can be beneficial for some instruments. I used it on the mix bus along with a Maxxbass and it worked just fine. Didn't really use the LA-2A(3rd one) a lot yet, so I can't say much for that one.
I bought this bundle because I wanted to upgrade my LA-2A classic and it feels I took the right choice, much fuller and characteristic sounds so far.

9541-9560 sur 12711 résultats