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UAD Studio Edition

Evaluation Globale

8321-8340 sur 12711 résultats

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P. Jacques

7 février 2018

The Quintessential Reverb

What more can be said about the Lexicon 224? It is simply the reverb all of us from a certain age remember as the sound on so many records we loved and, of course, Universal Audio nails it. It is everything a reverb should be. It adds depth and warmth without blurring the track and is easy to control and mold to whatever you need to get exactly what you want. My new (old) go-to 'Verb.

A. Boulton

7 février 2018

Legacy comparison

Wish I'd have read up on the UA Appolo quad before I parted with my hard earned, only to discover that all the "bundled plug ins" are the legacy versions and I'll have to fork out the total price for the upgrades with no discount. Well miffed about it to be honest after listening to the difference between the Legacy versions and the full monty the Legacy versions were way different to my ears. I see I'm not the only customer to gripe about this matter either!! The 4 stars are for the "real deal" versions that I didn't get and not the Legacy versions that they bundled with my Apollo quad. Hey ho I'll be doing a lot more reading up before I buy anything else from UA.

j. van den berghe

6 février 2018

New favourite compressor

Title says it all!

R. Polson-Lahache

6 février 2018

The Leveler!

Love this simple compressor. It works great and sounds great. You can't make a mistake with it. Love it on acoustic guitars and the occasional vocal that's paired with an 1176 or LA2A depending on the speed of the vocal. With most audio I compress around 3 db's...sometimes with peaks around 5. Its just an all 'rounder tool!

l. aversano

5 février 2018



A. King

4 février 2018

Straight awesome!!!!

One of the best plugins I’ve ever bought. It’s immeadiate and very responsive.


2 février 2018

Wide Boy

A really good attempt at re-creating the original, however Roland units have proven not to be easily copied both in software & hardware. If you're a Roland fan stick to the originals, if you just want a good sounding wide open subtile chorus go for the Studio D.


2 février 2018

RE: Galaxy 201

A good tape delay emulation, however it doesn't quite capture the vibe & sound of a real Roland unit (which is my favourite.) Really I should have known better than to go the emulation route. Having said that this would be the closest plugin to the real deal.


2 février 2018

Nice Sounding Chorus

It comes close to the original (CE-1) not 100% but a good sounding chorus nevertheless.

B. Kaplan

2 février 2018

Fantastic sounding reverb.

You do not have to work hard to get great sounding reverb from this reverb. It sounds subtly lush, but natural, without sounding heavy handed. One of the best values in the UA plug in store.

M. Hansel

1 février 2018

Fantastic Gear, its now my favorite EQ!

Such a fantastic EQ, mind blowing for my Vocal and Guitar Sounds, you got your record and some little EQ and your mix is perfect. Check out my record-test (demo-only) I am really happy to work with, for me the special plugin for my mix.

j. alvarado alvarez del castillo

31 janvier 2018

Empirical Labs EL8 Distressor Compressor

Is very good sound , I like it .Highly recommended.


30 janvier 2018


simply put, it can be the perfect glue to hold ur mix together.

S. Ramsay

27 janvier 2018

Absolutely Excellent

First, let me say that I am on the UAD platform basically because of the Studer and Ampex tape sims. They are just breathtaking. I really couldn't believe it when UAD came out with another one.

Now having spent some time with it, I think I can say something useful about it.

It's simpler to use than either the Studer or the Ampex, and while it's obviously meant to sound like some kind of two-inch model, it's non specific. I think that's actually good, because it allowed them to get at what is good about tape generally, and focus on those areas: the non-linear (and subtle) eq, the head bump, and of course, the saturation.

So, easier to use, but not "Studer/Ampex Lite" in terms of sound. It's very, very high quality, despite being less processing intensive than the others. In general -- and this is the main thing to know about it -- it's darker than its older brothers, and probably darker than most tape sims out there. Completely stunning on bass and percussion, though I've been using it on all channels and loving the sound.

Really, really great stuff. Wonder if UAD will do another? An Otari? An EMI? An MCI? One can dream . . .

C. Horsethief

26 janvier 2018


Great plug to drop in between the guitar hi-Z line and the ENGL sims. It tames excessive pick attack without smashing anything or adding color.

A. Mtz

25 janvier 2018


I couldn't believe how beautiful a track could sound with this awesome machine...
gorgeous distortion , beautiful crispy silk smoothing tool !

all i have to say is Thank you very much to Universal Audio for this effort and help musicians, producers, engineers to make more beautiful sounds

all the best

S. Milloway

25 janvier 2018

Sounds excellent

Sounds great on a number of sources. I like it on vocals, brass, and even snare at times.

B. D'Andrea

24 janvier 2018

Da Chorus

Simple Easy Great sound
All the chorus you'll ever need

S. Svishchev

24 janvier 2018

Great chorus!

Easy to use, but good result after processing.Be sure to try it. Thank you UAD!

p. Duvignacq

23 janvier 2018


Didn't like this reverb. Price too high regarding the quality and features of the product.

8321-8340 sur 12711 résultats