UAD Studio Edition
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UAD Studio Edition
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A. Kalugin
Top Tape Machine! First in a raw
For sure it`s overshadowed by Studer and Ampex ( in price as well) - when you see price 349 and 149 - ofcourse you blindly think that dearer device is better. But here is the case when this "No-Big Name" Tape Recorder does some magic like his entitled expensive "brothers". I found myself using it even more often than Studer!!! don`t know why? maybe there are some really cool presets - many presets.. or may be just because i`ve purchased it way better than the "brand" names recorders... Try it - buy it, espessialy if it`ll be your first Tape Recorder!!!
R. Esposito
The best compressor ever
I love using this on everything. Particularly Vocals, Guitar & Bass. Before this I was fixated on the 1176 which is fantastic. But now that I started using this plug it’s added a sweetness that didn’t exist from teletronix or the 1176. I’ve never used one until recently so I look forward to seeing what else can be done with it.
R. Esposito
Nice to have color options
Surprisingly I haven’t used this yet but can’t wait to find a purpose to do so.
J. Weaver
Hands down the best Distressor emulation
I've used all of the Distressor emulations relentlessly trying to find the character of the hardware. This does it. The others don't come close.
J. Weaver
Just wow!
Possibly my favorite UAD plugin. It's crazy how much vibe it adds in such a subtle, but musical way.
w. costa
Love it
Always loved LA-3a on Acoustic Guitars. UAD version brings me that same feel.
Just wish they revamp the UI. Too little for modern monitor res.
w. costa
Great gear, great emulation! I just wish UAD would revamp the UI. The plugin windows is too small for nowadays monitor res.
m. łuczak
C'est rigolo sur des voix
E. Ananda
A must have!
E. Ananda
Lovely punch
11176 Rev A is amazing for vocals everyone says it and using it only proves it.
S. Hiestand
Beauty for the beast
It's all been said. Great tape emulation. Put it on every track for that warm, analog sound. Glues the mix together nicely. Lots of settings to fool with but in many cases you don't even have to futz around much. The perfect companion to the ATR-102. I can't imagine not having this plug-in. VERY sweet.
G. Funes
Great on every channel, simple the best plate reverb out there
Just Fantastic !!!
I already had Pultec, LA 2A, and Fairchild Collections, I missed no more than the 1176, now I don't have excuses anymore if that doesn't sound !!!
p. bjørneskaret
Awesome Reverb use this all the time
this reverb have made recording sessions with all the artist I work with easier!
J. Oliveira
Great color, sweetness and warmth! I couldn´t imagine a plugin like this. For better results I use 1176 Rev A followed by a LA2A Silver in limit mode
K. Jardine
What an update.
I never thought I’d enjoy an update like this. This thing is killer, never used it on vocals before but I will now.
K. Monroe
Sounds really great! Looks average.
Love the sound of this plugin. I use it all the time or acoustic drums and electric guitars.
However, the plugin window is really small. I have no idea why the design was so small, but it can be difficult to see exact settings. Not the sexiest looking plug-in out there. Lets do a re-design!
Limpia y Cristalina.
Precioso sonido PLATE de muy fácil manejo a través de unos pocos parámetros. Es una gran emulación de las reverbs de placas clásica que suena limpísima para voces, guitarras acústicas (o eléctricas) y percusiones (especialmente para cajas de batería). Sin duda una gran compra para mi estudio. Felicidades a Universal Audio por tan magnificas emulaciones
D. Brown
Big compressor with a big sound
The Fairchild Tube Limiter Collection by UAD has allowed me to reach a new level with clean and large compression on mono or stereo tracks. This thing sounds big! It can be used in many different ways with the same incredible results. Get awesome results by pushing it with Parallel compression or use it to add depth and character to an individual track.