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UAD Producer Edition

Evaluation Globale

961-980 sur 7330 résultats

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C. Schedler

17 septembre 2023

Great job

I use them in the morning and evening.

N. O'Donnell

17 septembre 2023


I’ve not seen mixed reviews like this before on a UA plug-in. I kind of understand why. It’s very realistic, lovely to play by itself or with a piano vocal, but in a dense mix it just doesn’t hold. There is too much room even in the close mics. I think I know what the team was going for but they missed the mark on the practicalities of it sitting in a mix. If you you are going to have multi mics you need you close mics to be almost bone dry and snappy to hold up in a full band mix. First UA plug I’ve not given a 5 star….what a bummer. I want to love this…unfortunately I can imagine it’d all need to be rethought and samples re-recorded in order for an update to really help.

C. Tate

17 septembre 2023

Must have!

The 1176 collection is a must have! These compressors are the closest to the real thing on the market and a workhorse set of tools I use on pretty much every job

E. Koch

17 septembre 2023

A New Level Of Bread And Butter.

i have my Moogs, Oberheims, and all manner of otherly analog soft synths, but this set me on my ear... that the oscillator wave forms morph, makes it like tweaking a 2-Osc, but sounding like More Than That, need be... i like that it's all there, and that everything makes sense, when i go in for the hone... an extremely well thought interface and "circuit", makes it a 90% synth that can reach your nooks and crannies of sonic aspiration without busting a sweat , and still sound as visceral as any old school analog while it's at it.

H. Cupec

17 septembre 2023

Unable to use

My ilok account is broken and will not connect with UA, so I am unable to install

D. Creasey

17 septembre 2023

A High Quality Collection

I've used 1176 plugins for a long time, and have extensive experience with emulations produced by multiple different companies. I particularly enjoy the sound of 1176 compression/limiting on drums, and the way in which it modifies the tonality, adds punch, and controls longer-term dynamic variations. I also use the 1176 on other instruments and voices. What sets the UA version apart is not only the high quality of the plugin, but also the ability to select different revisions in the collection for changes of character. That makes it a cut above the competition, and allows me to achieve a deeper level of control that I really appreciate.

S. Munsen

17 septembre 2023

Simple, Simple and Simple!

I have both plug-in and analog rack compressors in my studio and this gives me options. It’s as close as you can get to the original 1176’s without the spending a ton of money. That being said if you’re a diehard analog user you’re never going to be happy with a plug-in but this is worth the money if you do any kind of mobile recording.

I will say that UA gives you plenty of presets to get you going in the right direction and very easy to use. I got the 1176 package on sale and I couldn’t be happier.

a. johnson

16 septembre 2023


A definite must have. Native ability a great bonus too

h. Shin

16 septembre 2023

Like Real !

specially High part feel so good !

d. ruiz

16 septembre 2023

El mejor de todos

Hay muchas emulaciones de este compresor maravilloso, y use muchos, pero los de UAD están a otro nivel, aportan de verdad y hacen muy bien su trabajo pongas donde lo pongas, muy contento por haberlos comprado

J. Kim

16 septembre 2023

jongmin kim

so so nice :)

J. Frýbert

16 septembre 2023

Pure Plate reverb

Excellent Plate Reverb, I use it on all audio tracks, vocals, drums, guitars,


15 septembre 2023

Cool Plugin

This is too cool plugin!!

A. Kostasenko

15 septembre 2023

1176 parallel comp

Using more like parallel compressors on my drum parts and vocals. Sounds amazing

A. Cengic

15 septembre 2023

A Great Collections

Whether I'm looking to add subtle glue to a mix or crush drums for that aggressive, in-your-face sound, the UAD 1176 never disappoints. It's a must-have for any serious producer or engineer seeking professional-grade compression in the digital realm.

J. Freeman

15 septembre 2023

Must-Have Secret Sauce

I have used other simulations of the 1176 but those days are over. Who better than the folks at UA to know what an 1176 should sound like? I am having a lot of fun with these and love what they bring to the table. To me, the 1176 sound is a staple in my sonic bag of tricks. I'm guessing Mr. Hull might agree...

B. George

15 septembre 2023

Sounds like what your grandmas cooking smells like.

Enough said.

T. Don

15 septembre 2023

Love it

There is alot uad plugins that I like but 76s are a must have i have also a hardware 76 i like to work with both if i need it, I am happy with the uad plugins but it's to expensive sometimes. My favorite is the AMS Neve Rmx uad version sounds really nice!

W. Manke

15 septembre 2023


Great Filters! Amazing OSC. Superb effects. BUT....
It's the interface that is what makes Opal stand out. It's so easy to morph from sound to sound and make big changes. And not only hear but SEE the changes you are making. That's how I want to learn about wavetable synthesis. The wavetable sounds themselves are very inspiring, and mixed with the "analog" filter getting great sounds is a snap. This is a perfect pairing with my Prophet 10 and JX synths. The way the UX is designed I don't miss having knobs to tweak, and I love getting to dive into the secondary menus. I'm starting to mess with the matrix and it feels decently easy to navigate to add life to performances. Not just a techno machine like the video, its a great basic to very advanced synth. It makes the speakers jump and its the best synth purchase you will ever make.


15 septembre 2023

Best Leslie ever!

Put a life like magic in my B3's

961-980 sur 7330 résultats