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UAD Producer Edition

Evaluation Globale

761-780 sur 7330 résultats

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D. Panizza

15 octobre 2023

pultec sound at your disposal

I bought it although I already own another brand tubetech. It seems very subtle and fine to me, a nice adding to my collection

Y. Fujiwara

15 octobre 2023



N. Grant

15 octobre 2023

Chorus from Heaven

Best sounding chorus on any instrument.


15 octobre 2023

Possibilities and a great sound

There is depths to exploring the sound, and the sound itself is high quality. Presets show what it is capable of and it is alot, though it will benefit from QOL updates.


15 octobre 2023

Très efficace

Je l'utilise principalement sur le bus batterie et en mastering. Très efficace.

C. Jensen

14 octobre 2023


I rarely use any other brand

F. Sparagna

14 octobre 2023


Love the sound but with a hammond sk1 keyboard you cannot use the drawbars and other cc command in order to control the plugin.

S. Friedrich

13 octobre 2023

Analog Mojo

Nothing beats this on drums.

D. Senior

13 octobre 2023


Util para todo!! Infaltable en todos los procesos

K. Lancashire

13 octobre 2023

More than lipstick for the frog

Here are some of the advantages of the Mini-Moog Softsynth over the hardware version:

Extended functionality: The softsynth has additional waveforms, modulation options, and effects that are not available on the original Minimoog. This gives you a lot more flexibility in creating sounds.
Versatility: The softsynth can be used in a wider range of musical genres than the original Minimoog. For example, it's great for creating electronic dance music, as well as more traditional rock and pop sounds.
Portability: The softsynth is much more portable than the hardware Minimoog, which can be heavy and cumbersome to transport.
Affordability: The softsynth is much more affordable than the original Minimoog, which can be very expensive.
Overall, I'm very impressed with the Mini-Moog Softsynth. It's a great way to get the classic Minimoog sound with added versatility and convenience.

b. aroua

13 octobre 2023

Love it

so good synth with analog vibe

M. Obuchowicz

13 octobre 2023

Not finding value so far

Got it as a part of bundle, was a waste of money - this is very good emulation of very old hardware, not really fitting modern workflows. It has very limited controls, so basically it's another plugin I got because of UA marketing/sales/bundles games, but I will keep using my old plugins

L. Weisz

13 octobre 2023


Ez egy klasszikus plugin. Nem lehet hibázni vele.

弘. 辻原

13 octobre 2023



P. Czaczkowski

13 octobre 2023

Best la2a

Best la2a plugin! I tried them all! Well done Universal Audio!

M. Rafael

12 octobre 2023

1 reason you should get this EQ

Reason NO.1 - Its Simply The Best
Universal Audio, just does some audio magic. Like the Fairchild, before I even knew what this plugin was I fell in love with it (from another company from the Jurassic period). This EQ has always been and will always be my favourite EQ, and UAD have managed to get my expectations, fold it many times and shove it back in my face like "ANother One" (Like Khaled) thus making this the best rediont of this plugin...its Simply The Best (like Tina Turner).

M. Rafael

12 octobre 2023

2 Amazing reasons why you should get the Teletronix LA 2A

Reason No 2. Ease of use
I have tried so many LA 2A plugins, but this one (plus you get 3 versions) sounds the sweetest, warmest and less harsh than others. I compared it to the previous LA 2A plugin I had on the vocal / bass chain and the difference was Stella (like the drink). Don't think twice pick this up and enhance your mixes with the smooth sounds of the Teletronix, super bionic, ultrasonic, LA (not the place) 2 A. 3 thumbs up!

V. Cuartero

12 octobre 2023


Can't say much about this. It works really well. You have to try it and hear for yourself. Works very well with 1176 and Fairchild. Triple crown!

a. falesi

12 octobre 2023

THE compressor

i already said too much.

a. falesi

12 octobre 2023

No words

Take it.

761-780 sur 7330 résultats