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UAD Producer Edition

Evaluation Globale

6581-6600 sur 7330 résultats

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S. Tib

15 avril 2014

1176 AE Great compressor on Bass and drums

Since I read that the daft punk used a lot the 1176 and LA2-A Hardware for their last Album Random access memory, I wanted to get the similar vibe with some air space and live feel on a disco track.
I used the 1176 AE mainly on bass and Drums, it adds some depth, warmth, space, air, a little bit of pleasant noise and space (similar to a natural subtle reverb or some analog hardware breath).
I wasn't really impressed by the the 1176 LN or SE but when I tried the 1176 AE, I understood why so many studio are using it. It just works so nicely I can only recommend you to test it and forget the LN and SE version.
On bass I combine it to the LA2-A + pulteq EQ-1A + Bx Saturator
On Drums, I combine it with the pulteq EQ-1A + Bx Saturator

S. Roefs

14 avril 2014

Attack times!

Great to have these different units, mostly because of the differences in attack times. The emphasis feature is truly great! What a major difference with the legacy version. This sounds like the real thing, which I happen to own. Well done UAD!

D. Vermaas

14 avril 2014

Go-to Compressor

Classic 1176 compressor bundle? How can you possibly go wrong? As expected, they sound just like the hardware we all know and love. Killer on anything you throw at it, and the blue stripe is front and center in so many of my mixes. Previously a lover of the CLA versions, but the slightly different character in the UAD blue stripe has me reaching for these every time.

E. Dominguez

14 avril 2014


Don't have an original 1176, but the plug-ins are great sounding units, for almost every material. I produce techno music, and I'm very happy with the punch it gives to all my sounds.

E. Grech

14 avril 2014

1176 limiter plugin

So so good!! Great for vocals and drums.
It makes vocals sit perfect in a mix.

E. Piesczek-ali

13 avril 2014


Nicely done!!! I worked in studio with the Pultec eq and now, I have this at home and it sounds like the real one !! Thank yoOUu !!

T. Onuki

13 avril 2014


??? Store HP?????????????????????
?????????????????????Pultec ????????????????????????????????????????????…

UAD-2 ? Pultec Passive EQ Collection ??????????????????Passive ???????????????????????


??????????????????????????????????????Pultec Passive EQ Collection??????????

H. Utsugi

12 avril 2014


excellent EQ.
have purchased some emulation EQ similar to this.
I think that this is perfect.

S. Taylor

12 avril 2014

Very Pleased!

Terrific set of Vintage Compressors. Simple controls but very detailed response.

M. Selby

10 avril 2014

If you only buy one plug-in. . .

. . . get this one. (Or these three, actually). Between these LA-2A variations and the UAD 1176 collection, I can go from working in the big Nashville rooms to my home project studio and not feel like I've stepped out of a Porsche and onto a moped. These guys really capture the feel and grease of the original hardware versions, are easy to use and just make so many things sound bigger and better and more. . . analog and fat. Great gear for anyone at any level, and a great place to start in building a home studio plug-in collection to make things sound real and right. Essential.

M. Gregory

10 avril 2014



P. Mccosh

10 avril 2014

Much warmer than the UAD 1 version

Very happy with this purchase.....I use on vocal tracks, often in 'flat' mode just to warm up the bottom end......can't live without it......and much cleaner and warmer than the original version.....a must have....

C. Tunnessen

10 avril 2014

3 flavors of LA2A

These plugin sounds so incredible. I rarely used the legacy LA2A but this plugin is essential. And the ability to access three different flavors of LA2A is quite unique. UAD keeps raising the bar with every new plugin.

B. Keis

10 avril 2014

Pultec Rules

I love the new Pultes collection! Sounds very thick, very analog.

D. Waterman

9 avril 2014

Better than the rest

I've demo'd and and owned quite a few eq plugins, including other putleq emulations. While other emulations are very good, the UAD package just sound closer to your source material. Where as some plugins feel like they are tacked on, these plugs envelope your sound and feel like they come from within.

D. Waterman

9 avril 2014

Better than the rest

I've demo'd and and owned quite a few eq plugins, including other putleq emulations. While other emulations are very good, the UAD package just sound closer to your source material. Where as some plugins feel like they are tacked on, these plugs envelope your sound and feel like they come from within.

C. Byrne

8 avril 2014

Sounds Fantastic!

Having never heard a real Pultec I have no basis to say wether or not this unit is authentic but man, do they sound great! The bottom end is just fantastic and the high end is sweet. Finally nice to be able to hear what so many people have been going on about for all these years. Nice job UAD!

E. Robinson

7 avril 2014

there are so real

sound so close to the real thing i hardly notice the difference real wicked

G. Cudjoe

7 avril 2014

1176 classic limiter

You simply got to hear it to believe it.Honestly, I heard so much about uad over the past few years but didnt believe the hype but let me tell you guys 1176 are awsome,
Cant wait to purchase more stuff.

R. Rajaram

6 avril 2014

Possibly the best ITB compressors

I demoed these a few weeks back and I pretty much bought them within an hour of demoing. Even when there's no compression happening, they just add body and clarity like I've never heard from another plugin. Beautiful, smooth compression and 3 options of attack and release make this collection a no brainer for anyone looking for opto style compression ITB. The only negative I could find is the level boost on initiating these plugs, but thats an easy fix, just make your own default preset!

6581-6600 sur 7330 résultats