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UAD Producer Edition

Evaluation Globale

6001-6020 sur 7330 résultats

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G. Halaweh

5 décembre 2015

Cannot. Live. Without.

My favorite UAD Compressors, hands down. Nothing compares to that all-buttons-in mayhem that only these plugs can bring.

F. Josephs

5 décembre 2015

nice job

There are a lot of plugins that attempt to bridge analog in to the digital word.

This one is more neutral than some of the others I've tried, which i like, and it doesn't take up any of my CPU's power.

It's been so long since i used tape that it would be hard to make a comparison but I do like what this plug - in does.

M. Smith

4 décembre 2015

Worth It

Great product for adding that special something to your sound, Great little plugin that I know I will use on all of my mixes. Cant fault what it does to your sound.

B. Offermann

4 décembre 2015

one of uad's most must-have-tools

First doubting if this new tape recorder plug-in would be a starved design and mixture of the two well known UA tape machines, I took the venture of buying it at bargain. After using on a few mixes (not tracking thru an Apollo interface yet), I must say: the shop reviews giving laurels to it do fit. It is not only an easy and fast to adjust plugin but gives you the possibility of levelling tracks in an extraordinary way without loss on sound quality unless you want to drive it really hot. And, important to say, it is a slim programmed plug-in in the way that you easily can use 6-8 instances without getting your UAD-2 card on it knees while (in my case) still having a hand full other resource-hungry plug-ins plugged.

K. Devine

3 décembre 2015

Must have compressor

I have never used the hardware version of these plugins but I have tried the Waves version and these win by comparison. I use them on vocals every time for a huge sound.

L. Broussard

3 décembre 2015


Oxide tape is great it sounds are definitely old school tape ... great job!

P. Keeling

3 décembre 2015


Having never used the hardware, I did wonder why this was such a classic compressor. All other 1176 emulations had left me slightly disappointed. I have used UAD's Classic Limiter Collection for about a month now and I have to say it sounds fantastic. It gives you that extra something. It sounds great on everything and seems to give a presence and clarity even when I'm not compressing. Very happy.

A. Spinato

2 décembre 2015

Warm Glue to a Mix

I have to say I've had the Studer and The Ampex Tape Machines for over a year now and I'm still very happy with them. I use the Ampex to finish my mixes, but the new OXIDE really has some new flavor thats great to spread across the tracks. Easy to use if you have used tape emulation before. UA is always getting better! Sounds warm and amazing. Best Tape Emulation!!! Thank You!!

n. mendez

30 novembre 2015

OXIDE is UA's Precision Version of Analog Tape

You have to come to Understand the Mind Set of UA, They Know Exactly What You want and Dedicate There expertise to Create The Tools you Need To Get That Million Dollar Record Sound You Long For...This Is to me the Precision Type of Plug In and solution for those whom are Craving that distinct Analog Tape Musical Distortion within a Minimal Budget.If the Studer is not in Reach here is your Alternative.....

C. Brindis

30 novembre 2015

Just Commit (to Disk) Already

In the past I've typically run vox through my Great River (etc.) and then either rent an LA-2A (hardware) or even through my DBX (hardware). Bought these right away and have no qualms whatsoever tracking through them in the UA console back into ProTools. No more second guessing and saving all the compression for mixing. They're that good. I'm not really compelled anymore to bother renting the hardware, this is as close as you're going to get. Bravo.

S. Ritnant

29 novembre 2015

LA-2A Collection

Very impressive. After I try demo , I decide to buy them immediately.


28 novembre 2015


My new go to tape machine!

A. Dixon

27 novembre 2015

Simple, easy to use, and effective.

Imparts a desired sonic character... Works nicely/most effective when applied across lots of tracks, which is actually possible as it is not such the DSP 'hog' as the ATR or Studer A800.. have been using this plug in on every mix.

M. Kapuscinski

26 novembre 2015

That low end!

Siply put it on every track and it shines! Best for tape distortion!

I. Turner

25 novembre 2015

Desert Island Compressor

These compressors are some of the best things UAD has ever made. they have changed the way I mix forever! the AE with slo attack is phenomenal for snare drum... the Rev A is amazing on vocals, electric keyboards, anything to which I want to add presence and true grit. The LN sounds awesome on drums, guitars, everything really.

Thanks UAD!

S. Harnell

25 novembre 2015

My favorite compressors, ever.

These plugins are some of the only I've encountered that feel and work like the real thing in the box. My go to compressors. If you only buy one thing from UA, this is it.

Y. Dan

24 novembre 2015

not let me down。

This is my most wanted to buy in UAD plug-in, is also my first paid plugin, not let me down!

Y. Dan

24 novembre 2015

Before they underestimated his quality

I decided to buy his after using the demo,For the sound of "AE" very fascinating.

K. Scragg

24 novembre 2015


Using most tape emulations is a waste of time, as the majority of them don't 'react' like tape does and therefore they always seem to fall short. This doesn't. It's magic. It lifts, adds warmth and the right amount of saturation to really fool the ear. Working in the box, in a home studio set up, aiming to get close to that pro studio sound without spending thousands of pounds on actual tape? This is your safest bet.

It will do what most plugins claim to do, but most don't fulfill - It will make your mix sound better.

Well done to the wizards of Universal Audio.

S. Robertson

22 novembre 2015


Love it!! What an awesome tape emulation.. really tightens things up

6001-6020 sur 7330 résultats