UAD Producer Edition
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UAD Producer Edition
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P. Moshay
So useful for shaping tracks
I was so pleased how unique this plugin was after using it for a while, its not like the other tape plugs...... it really gives you more unique shapes that can really transform your track into more tonal shapes than other tape emulations.
This is a must have along with the Studer and Ampex to me.
l. di filippo
Bang the 1176!
I really love this plug in..I've two 1176 Ln and I appreciate the possibility to have the automation with an incredible similar sound…sometimes for vocal I use the hardware on recording and the software in mixing..
T. Couton
Always good
My go to EQ when I need something beautiful.
隆. 杉本
やはり本家 すべてのトラックにさしてますがアナログで太いです。
Teletronix LA-2A Classic Leveler Collection
Simple - "In Love". They are absolutely amazing and most important....Sounds Amazing...!
H. Morales
BAD F****** ASS
An absolutely remarkable emulation of the original hardware units. It's really hard to tell them apart.
J. Barry
There's a reason this plugin is iconic...
That reason is it boost and reduces bass at the same time. You have to hear it to believe it. It has it's own tone, but once you know how to use it you can boost those lows without getting mud. Here's how to do it: CPS at 30. Bandwidth to 7. ATTN to 10. Start boost at 0 and slowly turn it up. Bass will be epic. Wanna do vocals? MEQ-5. EQP-1A. Your voice is now gold. This is a must have plugin.
J. Lindsay
Jamie Lindsay
Love the UAD plugins, especially the La-2a collection. My favourite is the silver face but they all offer something very usable! I have two Apollo's and i love that i can use them on the way in!! Keep up the good work UAD!!
E. Burnett
Basically a poor man's Studer - and it's great!
I've worked with the Studer and Ampex plug-ins here and actually found them a little too feature packed - when I'm quickly looking for a nice tape effect the Oxide is a perfect place to start. And obviously the DSP hit is so much less than with the Studer/Ampex - great job UAD!
A. Marlowe
Loving This Plug-In!
Besides being a great tool for getting sounds to gel and "sit" in the track better, I'm loving using it on a drum bus submix aux channel, and generally loving what it does on bass and drums, especially the Silver. Great job UAD!
j. Dietzel
Works on everything!!
I held out on the MK2 version for a long time. I finally demoed the LA2A Mk2 and was immediately impressed. Sounds beautiful on everything from bass, to vox, to guitar. Hoping to be able to grab the1176 MK2 soon! thanks for the great products UA!
Oxide a great low cost option
Now that I have had some time behind the promotional plug-ins that come standard w the Apollo 8p and Twin Duo hardware, I needed something to add more depth and texture to my mix. I was holding out for sales on the Studier and Ampex tape recorders when, BAM, here is Oxide. Subtle, easy to use plug. It really brings out vocals when patched on a single track and gives the whole mix a round, whole feeling of context. Thanks for the coupons and keep those sales coming!
Chili Pepper's Tone
I've been a fan of the Chili Peppers since I was a teen and this really gets the sound, esp. when paired with the Neve plug ins. Nice job. Probably not as good as the real deal, but it's also a lot cheaper, and you get three of them.
T. Kirby
A great addition to your kit
This is great for gentle compression when tracking or for smoothing things out at the mixing stage. I also own the Fairchild which has a very different sound and its great to be able to switch between them or even chain them
g. grini
I love it!
This is one of my favorites! I have used it on the master fader for mixing ever since i purchased it. BUT a one rack version
would make this perfect!
a. terris
Simply magic ! It's sound really great on my drums tracks !!! And affordable too ...;)
A must have.
E. Zimmermann
Great sounding plug
I've got some prior tape experience, and I feel like the compression and distortion that this plug offers is similar. Is it identical? I don't know or care. I do know that it adds a subtle, yet noticeable compression and smear (in a good way) that sounds perfect on some recent work I've done.
A. Giusti
Try all of them.
I upgraded from my original versions of the plug ins and enjoy them even more now.
İts amazing and very easy to use :))
J. Philippi
Pleasure for my ears!!
I had my doubts! I have the Slate VTM and thought why another one? I wanted a warm distortion on a snare drum.. my TS808 didn't sound right.. thought about a saturator and somehow I thought tape saturation/compression might be it.. plugged in VTM... naaaa, not at all what I wanted. There's this new Oxide tape, I thought... Gave it a try and demoed it.. Plugged it in, turned up the input.. tried that thing on a bass guitar.. went straight to UAD and bought the plug in!! That's the tape sound I always wanted!!
Not much DSP is needed. That's really a great job you've done here... Thank you!