UAD Producer Edition
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UAD Producer Edition
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A. Francesquetto
Great, very good, nice. A must have for guitarists and bassists
Great, very good, nice. A must have for guitarists and bassists
m. Steimer
Well done UA !
as a RE201's owner I'm seeing myself very satisfied that UA give to me this version which bring essentially a new GUI that is more HD friendly.
Thanks again !
P. Jeveaux
Sounds awesome!
Sounds awesome! Perfect for adding stereo width.
M. Penn
Studio D Chorus - True To The Original!!
This lives in our template for Vocals, Guitars, Bass, Synths, Keys Etc. Holds true to the Original Roland Dim D
Very Happy to have this Tool in our Plugins Arsenal !!
Awesome Job UA, Keep 'em Coming!! ;-)
g. brooker
Studio D Chorus
So many plugins. Only need a few. To much repetition just takes time away from working on a finished product. I really don't need more of any one type of item. A few choices for different textures but not a half dozen or even more. Our DAWs come stocked with excellent usable plugins. Every company is pushing for your money. Spend if you have it and it brings you joy. Maybe just realize that we don't really need most of them. Analogue mixers had a compressor or two, console E.Q. , and outboard effects like maybe one reverb, one delay, one chorus, maybe flange. Now we have unlimited choices and companies competing for our money. U.A. asked me to leave feedback on this plugin. I have the one released years ago under a different name. Good chorus.
M. Penn
Love it!! Brigade Chorus Pedal!!
This sounds great on Vocals , Bass Guitars... Or what ever you want a touch of this awesome Chorus !!
Great Job UA ;-)
d. robinson
Well ..obviously it´s a high quality tape delay :)
I like the new design.
adds nice tape character and warmth.
create crazy spaces
must have
s. crew
The Non-Chorus 'Chorus' Effect Everyone Wants Is Back !
We use to use this hardware in the studio to widen the sound and get that depth without hearing a typical 'chorus' sound !
UAD did a great job nailing this. I'm using it on an Arp'd bell track now and it adds that 'Dimension D' signature thickness without a typical chorus tone !
Fabulous indeed !
s. lowery
Smooth as butter
Always loved the hardware version and this is as good! So smooth and wide!! Great on vocals, strings & guitars! Quit reading this review and just buy it.
O. Knight
Still so good!
This has made its way in to most mixes I have done for years now. Brilliant at what it does.
D. Giraud
Une touche analogique
Oxide tape rec est une nuance qui s'ajoute à la palette des sensations analogiques en plug.
Peu gourmand en DSP, avec simplicité et qualité, il vient complèter les autres émulations déjà proposées .
Un outil qui, utilisé subtilement, enrichit ma panoplie pour le mixage au studio Golgoth-43.com.
Studio D / Dimension D
Look, I don't know why UAD stopped working with Roland, but what is sure is that UAD changed the name of the plugin and kept the same product.
Those are emulations made by UAD years ago, and they had the name of Roland...
What I mean is that UAD Studio D = Roland Dimension D, The emulation that UAD made for Roland...
Same For UAD Galaxy Tape Echo = Roland RE-201 Space Echo
Same For UAD Brigade CHorus = Roland BOSS CE-1
I would really like to know why they stopped the partnership with Roland...
Y. Ziv
What tha......
The 1176 and the La2, are both "the dude" from big lebowski.
Everything you put them on, becomes cool
m. jackson
Often adds a lot more to a mix or track than expected. Was skeptical at first, but from the moment I inserted the demo version I was very impressed. Colors the sound very similar to my 8-track 1/2 inch. I purchased it and use it often....Highly recommended....
H. Hamid
Just apply the LA-2A on a vocal or a guitar track, and it will make it sound great.
Pure gold
You dont really need to comment on this plugins, since they are pretty much the best software representation of analog units available. I've been working with hardware Teletronix La-2a plenty of times so I know how musical that stuff is. This is the closest i've yet to see. I especially love the La-2 unit, its attack time does wonders to my buses.
A. Gorman
Fantastic quick and dirty tape
Great alternative to the other UAD tape emulations in that it has minimal controls and most of the time it's just a case of instantiating the plugin and affecting the input and output! Lovely sounding saturation if you want to drive it and is the perfect antidote for sometimes anaemic digital recordings. Big thumbs up!
S. M
Universal Audio LA2A
Thank You for a very good plugin.
It would make sense that any future updates for 1176, LA2A, LA3A etc plugins are completely free for customers already owning them.
Keep up with the great work,
Thank You
B. Gotch
My bottom Jaw Hit the floor.The amount of detail from these plug ins from the legacy Version CHOOOOOOOO
h. Shin
It's Good !
Not yet Enough My Using ^^! But This Plug-ins is So good When You want strong music colors.
Good job men Bye~~~