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UAD Producer Edition

Evaluation Globale

2761-2780 sur 7330 résultats

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G. Claggett

24 décembre 2020

Very nice sounds--Very resource intensive

The sounds of the piano are on par with my Nord piano sounds so I am very happy with that aspect of Ravel. When I load the plugin into a mix it runs the Render meter into the red and sounds cut out. So, I have to export the piano track to audio and pull that back into the mix and disable the Ravel plugin to avoid the piano sound cutting out. Hopefully, UA will find a way to make the plugin a little more efficient to make it more functional.

J. Zwiebel

23 décembre 2020

Standard Tool

You're going to use it at least twice in every song.

J. Zwiebel

23 décembre 2020

Great Sound

I have immediately received great feedback from customers who adore the 80s-character of the Chorus Pedal.

Y. Baribeau

23 décembre 2020

Classic of the classics

This baby right here is a treat for the hear. Tube Equalizer...... do I need to say more?

Z. Mo

23 décembre 2020

Rich tone

Warm', rich , accurate tone ... didn t expected to love this but i do , can be used for anything , don t let the gui design (pedal like the original ) fool you , try it everywhere !

A. Thomas

23 décembre 2020

Great delay. Interesting vibe verb. Pre-delay would be an awesome addition

I like this tape delay and especially the 3 different tape options, though I usually use “new”. It sounds different than the other tape delay and the cooper time cube, a more useable delay for most things imo - guitar, voice, keys, bgs. The verb on bgs is really cool too.

A. Orr

22 décembre 2020

That RCA Studio B Sound

If you need something a little warmer and bigger than the EMT140, this is a step in that direction. I probably overuse this in my own recordings which speaks to both my lack of talent and this plugins ability to make just about everything sound better. I’ve always admired the Chet Atkins / Elvis / Roy Orbison reverb sound that RCA had back in the 60’s and 70’s. I’ve been in that studio a number of times. I once asked one of the engineers to show me the reverb. He said, “It’s just a plate and a mic stuck up above the ceiling.” Pure Plate!

Á. Gústafsson

22 décembre 2020

Truly Amazing

I´m blown away by this emulation!

J. Markunas

22 décembre 2020

Sounds Like The Real Pedal!

I guess that's the whole point of UAD products, right? This one sounds like an old analog chorus pedal - rich, but with a lowfi/analog vibe. And, it's relatively low-priced. Worth a demo at least, especially if you're recording clean guitar.

H. Holzheu

22 décembre 2020

One of the best EQ plugins

It sounds great on everything.

Y. Baribeau

22 décembre 2020

One of the best I own

There is a "special feature" with that one (I’ll keep the secret, sorry) that makes it one of the most used plug-ins of my UAD collection. Thanks A LOT.

C. Campagna

21 décembre 2020

The best tube compressor emulation out there

This plug-in is what made me convert my studio to an all Apollo setup!! I use the LA-2A on all my sessions. It just makes your tracks shine, Use on a solo vocal track, drum stereo buss or master mix buss... it will add punch and focus with enhanced fidelity. The Grey version is my goto every time I deliver a mix.

J. Manness

19 décembre 2020

Perfect for a Modern Bass DI Sound

I was revisiting this to find a clean, modern bass DI preamp and I think it edges out the 610-B and Manley VoxBox for that clean sound. If you want thump, grab the 1084 for bass.

L. minelli

19 décembre 2020


Maybe a little too transparent. I prefer th Roland dimension D

I. Pauker

19 décembre 2020

Love it!

Just purchased this baby.
Playing it through my Clavinova and I’m telling you - I don't think I can go back to the Clavinova native sound anymore.
The sound and feel of this Steinberg GP emulation is amazing!

A. Hader

19 décembre 2020


Awesome sounding chorus!

J. Gang

18 décembre 2020

Light DSP usage and pleasing tones made easily!

I frequently love the UAD Ampex ATR-102 and Studer A800 when I need analog tape sound.
Oxide Tape Recorder was purchased during this sale.
The moment I inserted it into a track of the project I was working on, I was very satisfied.

Different analog tone from Ampex ATR-102 and Studer A800!
Light DSP usage and pleasing tones made easily!
Presets for a great guide!

I really like it. I recommend it!

D. Gusev

17 décembre 2020

I couldn't believe my ears at first!

I activated the demo version to begin with. I decided to check it on the master channel. And just put the plugin with default settings I was so surprised that I couldn't believe what I was hearing. Did this really happen? What I had been looking for.
Velvety highs, solid bass, clear midrange... I bought it right away. The best saturator I have ever had!


17 décembre 2020

Unison excelence

When is time to get quick demos on voices or bass, the century Channel goes straight to the point. And when voiceover are demanding is my first choice into my arsenal UAD great channel strips

R. Westmoreland

16 décembre 2020


Never shocked with the quality of the UAD plugins! This is one of the most shimmery choruses available, thanks again and keep up the good work!

2761-2780 sur 7330 résultats