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UAD Producer Edition

Evaluation Globale

2421-2440 sur 7330 résultats

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G. Belpassi

14 juillet 2021

Love at first listen!!

After careful consideration of various reverb types, my choice fell on the Pure Plate. It is my first "real" reverb plug in and it immediately won me over for its ease of use, for the interface - as always - captivating, but above all for its fantastic sound!!
Starting from one of the numerous presets and modifying the parameters as needed, I put it in a Logic send bus and in an instant every sound picks up unexpected space and depth. Amazing on vocals and guitars, it has quickly become irreplaceable for any type of acoustic instrument.

B. Andras

13 juillet 2021

Oxide impression

Excellent stuff! with plenty of power reserves... I Recommend.

K. Ankit

13 juillet 2021

Brigade Chorus

Really nice plugin. I have heard other chorus plugins but I must say there is some factor that makes this one sounds a step ahead!

K. Villoing

13 juillet 2021

Silver !!

The LA-2A silver is an incredible version !

K. Villoing

13 juillet 2021

Love the sound

Happy about this purshase ! I love the sound more than the legacy version

M. Ramos Jiménez

13 juillet 2021

I love the color of this tape.

I use this tape in the Mix Bus and the result is surprising.

M. Ramos Jiménez

13 juillet 2021

I love the color of this tape.

I use this tape in the Mix Bus and the result is surprising.

A. Marić

13 juillet 2021

Oxide Tape Recorder - extra harmonic content

I use Oxide to add pleasurable fuzziness and extra harmonic content to the sound of my guitar. Everything sounds better with Oxide.

T. Martin

10 juillet 2021

Well I'll be damned.

Tried the demo with no expectations and immediately knew it would be my go to strip. I use it exclusively for voice over and it's so easy, fast and brilliant sounding. I actually use a hardware preamp (Avalon M5) then dial in the compression and eq on this plug-in and I just can't believe how great it sounds. Not overly "tubey" at all. It just sounds pleasing, full, clear and correct. After this plug, I do some light limiting and that's it. For my purposes, this beats all the other channel plugs I own...610, Voxbox, 737, Vision, etc. Why? I like LESS choices when massaging my audio before sending out. THIS DOES IT! All pros and zero cons for voiceover work.

B. Tarco

10 juillet 2021

flavour favour

the harmonics and character that add this tape machine emulation is the best I've ever listen

J. Dunn

9 juillet 2021


Work like a chorus should

T. Jones

4 juillet 2021

Great plugin...

One of the Best emulations of the 1176. I use this somewhere on every mix. Usually on rear bus processing and my vocal chain. It works wonders.

c. An

3 juillet 2021



c. An

3 juillet 2021



c. An

3 juillet 2021



c. An

3 juillet 2021



c. An

3 juillet 2021



c. An

3 juillet 2021



M. Johannes

3 juillet 2021

Oxide Tape Recoder plugin

A faithful replica of the original studio tape recorder.

G. Porrino

3 juillet 2021

Galaxy Tape echo

Very pleased. Great to have in my arsenal.

2421-2440 sur 7330 résultats