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UAD Mix Edition

Evaluation Globale

5981-6000 sur 10454 résultats

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J. Nguyen

14 juillet 2018


This tape sounds amazing. I already had the ATR-102 and was impressed but with both of these together, you can’t ever go wrong with a mix. This adds the color you need to you mix without overdoing it. It’s great on vocals. It definitely brings out your highs and mids. All in all this is a solid plug.

E. Veillette

14 juillet 2018


Adds a thick warmth to your track. Worth every cent.

A. Lopes dos Santos

14 juillet 2018

What else could you need?

It sounds “modern”. It sounds “forward”. It’s true. Want a more “vintage” sound? Pick the Neve or the UA pres, they’re fantastic at what they do. Here you’ll find why API has become a legend on its own way. Love it on Vocals and on drums, specially, bur can be equally fantastic on bass and on guitars. Try it - bur rest assured that, on doing it, you have to buy it!

A. Lopes dos Santos

14 juillet 2018

A standard - and we know why!

This plugin shows quite well why the 1176 has become a real standard. More than that, it shows why each incarnation of this monster has become a different standard, on its own way. Love the AE on vocals. Simply beuatiful!

T. Varga

14 juillet 2018

Sounds great

Love how it glues everything together

K. Takeuchi

13 juillet 2018


I see many LA-2A emu plugins in the market, but this one is obviously different. I think that this is only the plugin emulating not only its smooth compression but also LA-2A’s harmonics behavior adding richness to the sound!

I. Kathol-Perrier

13 juillet 2018

Endlich Lexicon Hall!

Der 224 war auch ein Grund das Apollo Twin zu kaufen. Ich habe den gleichen Sound wie meine 80er Studio Produktionen im Homestudio, also endlich den wahren angesagten Lexicon Hall!

G. Zanca

13 juillet 2018

useful, but...!

Valido, ma come per tutti i plugins non bisogna aspettarsi che ti risolvano la situazione. In molti casi può essere presente ma non necessariamente, va dosato e fa il suo lavoro.

M. Wacht

12 juillet 2018

Fett und organisch ;-)

Ein echt organisch klingender Vintage Chorus. Für einige Situationen Gold wert!

C. Wright

12 juillet 2018

Lexicon 224

My favorite reverb! So clean and the reverb tales are perfect. Awesome purchase!

N. Crouch

10 juillet 2018

Great plug-in!

Great tones-versatile-sounds good on everything. DSP Lite too!


10 juillet 2018

Great chorus !

I generally don't like chorus effects, but this one works quite well!

t. srina

10 juillet 2018

Brigade Chorus Pedal

be perfect

M. Ahn

9 juillet 2018

Not Easy

I think It's not easy to use.
knob is very sensitive and have more saturation.
maybe I need a time to use it perfectly.

c. crumm

8 juillet 2018

love it

the bomb.
I don't use much verb but when I do, the Lexicon quality and control is there.

J. Stiles

8 juillet 2018

Throwback Chorus!

Sounds thick with pure analog vibe! Intensity knob sets the stage. Even with the intensity all the way down it adds a lot of subtle yet pleasing modulation

E. Oooka

8 juillet 2018

Great legend comp!

Used for electric guitar and acoustic guitar. LA-2A is very active at the time of the mix. Because the release is long, it may not be suitable for Japanese vocals with a lot of voice grain. But a great legend comp.

E. Minutella

8 juillet 2018

Not bad

I prefer Dimension D and some others plugs for Chorus, but If you like THAT 80' sound Brigade Chorus is the best...

J. Leyva

7 juillet 2018

My go to for any drum or percussion track

I tracked a salsa band session a few weeks ago. We experimented with different compressiors and saturation plugs, but nothing really worked well in the mix. So I thought I would try the API channel strip demo.
The coloration had me even before I used the compressor or EQ It just brought everything to life. I then used it on the Ampeg baby bass. The low end was tight and punchy and sat really well in the mix.
It also works really well on Steele Drums .
This is my go to insert for any percussion.

R. Kasem

6 juillet 2018


Excellent product, these compressors have enhanced my mixes!

5981-6000 sur 10454 résultats