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UAD Mix Edition

Evaluation Globale

2901-2920 sur 10454 résultats

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M. Perno

22 décembre 2021


Le range des potentiomètres est étrange et c'est le genre d'effet que j'utilise jamais! Lol.

P. Gent

21 décembre 2021


On my voice, the LA-2 after the 1176AE is a match made in heaven. Both doing 1–2 dB of reduction. Magic.

J. Wolff

21 décembre 2021

Put it on almost everything coming in

I put this on just about everything that comes in. Sometimes I slam it but a lot of the time I just let it barely touch to the top and give the signal a little of the character from the compressor. I use it on every vocal.

m. vargas

21 décembre 2021


I've used other emulations for years, but it sounds like the real API flavor

R. Dann

20 décembre 2021

Great Chorus

Sounds awesome

T. Carlsson

20 décembre 2021

Not so great

I own the original CE-1 and this software is a little bit different. The hardware is creamy, warm and noisy. It adds life and love to my Korg Poly-61. This is soft, digital and way too nice.

K. Schick

20 décembre 2021

bad business

Always a big fan of you guys, and happy to pay premium prices for your quality plug ins. Also a fan of the way you guys have done business over the years, but as many have said, to not offer an upgrade price at the very least to those of us who paid for this to begin with is kind of dirt bag-ish. It's what I expect from companies I don't use anymore like WAVES...very classless guys---not up to your standards and usual integrity. I hope we won't see more of this in the future, and I hope you'll actually make amends in regards to this product as well, because the original version is one of my most used channel strips, and would be nice to upgrade--but I won't on principle.

S. Murray

20 décembre 2021

Buyers remorse..

To all those complaining about the upgrade, I get it. Im just glad I didnt own it already and that I didnt buy it as soon as it came out! Even better getting it for $19 with the Christmas vouchers... ; )

D. Keller

20 décembre 2021


Sounds awesome !

N. Bryce

19 décembre 2021

Perfect for Acoustic Guitar!

I always use this on most my vocal tracks and thought I would try it with my Acoustic Guitar and It blow me away on how good it was, Demo this and you'll love it...

M. Farina

19 décembre 2021


passing my chords into this processor my mix comes moere dimensional

C. Bors

17 décembre 2021

Very gentle :)

Wow one of the best, and UA quality

E. Jegu

16 décembre 2021

Very good channel strip !

Very good channel strip. I don't like the 560L button ergonomy on the plugin. But very good !

L. Angelici

16 décembre 2021


A real game changer on my bass sound.

T. Huang

16 décembre 2021

It's the reason for uad

This plugin is the main reason why I got into the uad ecosystem

S. Lichawski

15 décembre 2021

Great on drums

I love the way it goes with drums. It gives me smooth bass on bass drums, clarity on snares and overheads.

E. Gottschmann

15 décembre 2021

Beautiful revision

A channel unit that actually performs very well on any track. Highly recommended

L. Martella

15 décembre 2021

Great plug-in

Great plug-in, manages to give precision and character

S. Othen

15 décembre 2021

A new awakening!

I use a fairly basic recording system, for my own music and recording/producing albums for others. Adding the API channel strip gives masses of eq options when tracking and has really added depth and punch on the masters! Eggtastic!


15 décembre 2021

Great buy!

I was sceptical about the effectiveness of tape emulations but this affordable plugin is well worth the the money .
It takes nothing away but gives a pleasing warmth to whatever you put through it , on tracks and master bus . I say buy it!!

2901-2920 sur 10454 résultats