UAD Mix Edition
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UAD Mix Edition
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B. de Graaf
Another plate?
Yes, another plate... I was sceptical, tried it on vocals I love it for that, but can definitely be used on more. Great sounding verb and for a great price after 50% discount and some vouchers :).
V. Baranov
Great reverb! Minimum settings and great sound! I recommend it!
T. Roager
Great Plugin
Great addition to my plugins. Easy to use. I use it for almost everything.
P. Gunn
Brigade chorus
I'm not a big chorus user but it was offered at a great deal so I took it. It delivers as promised.
A. Tyler
All the extras and Variations are awesome!
There are a zillion 1176 type hardware units and just as many 1176 type plugins. This UAD collection covers all the needed variations, sounds as good and often better than any other brand of plugins, and includes some features that you can't even find on the hardware. I grab for these plugins before any others and only my DSP limits me on when I have to use something else haha.
A. Tyler
Another awesome "is it hardware or software" mystery from UAD
I work with the real deal API 2500 analog rack mount often and like others have said here this UAD plugin version is very very close. I have also owned other plugin versions by different brands and the UAD version is by far the best. The analog hardware may be slightly more open in the top end and warmer in the low mids but both sound wide, punchy and huge.
J. Reed
Simply Magic
This plugin is amazing! Not only does it just make everything sound better, it gives you level controls so you have complete control of your headroom. The saturation is is awesome. The controls are simple and straightforward. I can't think of any way to improve this plugin. I don't mix without it.
V. Baranov
I use A 800 in every project! Gives shine and transparency to the mix!!! A great option for saturation on tracks.
S. Alfarano
great tool to add compression and dymanics with a lot of natural harmonics as well, absolutely reccomanded
V. Baranov
The best emulation of LA-2A compressors!!! I recommend it to everyone!!!
V. Baranov
Magnificent chorus!!! I use it on backing vocals, and bass (aux) in mode 4. I recommend it to everyone!!!
V. Baranov
Great chorus!!! Used on guitars. I recommend it to everyone!
V. Baranov
The best compressor emulation 1176!!! Used in every project!
T. Musto
Do you need my opinion?
Come on, it rocks. Does a great job emulating the hardware
h. mat talip
Great plugin ever
This things make my mixes changed 360 upside down like real hardware if you want a modern taste so get this believe me you wont regret.I use this together with Oxide tape on the bus track.
J. Gang
Great Sound!
Great Sound! Mixbus or Mastering, also Tracks. Very musical sound. Love it!
E. Coka
UAD Studio D Chorus
All vocals guitars synths and chords bass guitar sound better with more clarity without changent Original tone in full mode in a buss as a return.
A must have in your tool box.
S. Bachell
Versatile channel strip
Great addition to my plugins, really versatile with lots of ways to add nuance to the sounds being captured
A. Viola
I was skeptical too..
but having bought the 2500+ in hardware.. well, it is very hard for me to tell the difference between the two. The hw might have a bit more of depth (a hair) in the low end, and the transients and hi-mid are also A LITTLE BIT clearer.. but the plug in is stunning, the difference is not ten times the price. I am thinking in returning the hardware and find a more unique tool because the plug in is so close, it behaves practically the same.