UAD Mix Edition
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UAD Mix Edition
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J. Skattør
Big sound - small footprint - no maintanence cost- love it
This software has become a favourite of mine.
It is clearly the go to in my case. Since i mainly mix and edit live shows i do not have a great need for fx, but i need good eq and good compression etc. This has the aditional "Sound" that works great in any scenario. It is not very "Shark hungry" so it is usable over a lot of tracks. Of course i would love to have the Luna version, but this was a no brainer for the price. If you only have cash for one plug -in .... This is the one to get first. It is like having a quick fixer on every channel ... Next project . One more UAD2 satelite - Absolutly stunning sound. I usually combine this with Neve summing and ATR tape on the output.
To me it is a sweet sounding and dynamic thing. I mainly work with live jazzbands now.(in some cases a lot of mics) I record the shows and work as live engineer as well. The whole Luna package is for me a heaven sendt solution. This channel strip was a thing i did not know i needed before i tried it... If you are not sure .. do not try .. Once you have this you will never go back...
Jan Skattør
(my rig is Apollo twin - x + 1 -UAD sattelitte + PMC speaker system)
H. Gale
An engineers dream!
I had heard so much about Neve and SSL and other preamps throughout the years, and also tales of API… but nothing prepared me for how outstanding this channel strip is! Just turning up the gain reveals so much warmth and sexy harmonic goodness, you have to hear it to really catch the depth. Add to that the fastest gate known to (this) man, a wonderful choice of EQ options, compressor, low & hpf, side chain options and long throw output fader… so many plugins in my library are going to get dusty!
Absolutely LOVE this piece!! Great job & thank you!!!
F. Nilsson
Sounds amazing!
C. Alexander
I absolutely love it
Great plugin for my mixes it has a host of presets that are actually suitable starting points for my instruments. The reggae bass umph but I just back it down a little bit. Well done uad
H. Sharif
Love It!
API 2500 sounds can produce a very smooth sound sticking your grooves together! However, keep in mind how important it is to make sure that your recording is clean and done right for best results. It also helps to really understand how to work the compressor and not just slap it on and hope for a miracle! Happy compressing! :)
M. McCoy
If you want the best...
I love this thing; Dr. Dre has this hardware, so I know its good I only need to get under the hood to explore the possibilities.
S. Pearson
UA Strikes Again With API Vision Strip
Wow! What an amazing plugin. It transforms my studio - which is not sound proof - into a space that could definitely pass for a whisper box. Truly amazing. You guys rock!
M. Mchangani
Honestly I haven't been using due to having too many plugs but I remember the tone and how it compliments my hardware...okay from this week I must find a way to put this on snare and kick to get that punch!
G. Haas
Simply the best chorus-plugin
I love this plugin and I'm using it mainly for guitar, if you want that famous Andy Summers sound from Police try it out.
J. Dearness
Great compressor
Easy to use and sound fantastic
J. Dearness
Full vocals
I have quite stripped back recordings and these bring a luster and warmth to my vocals
J. Dearness
Great reverb
I don't like high levels of reverb and this allows me to dial it in to the sweet spot
J. Dearness
Loving analogue recording
Another piece of the puzzle that was missing in place now.
J. Dearness
Sparkle to recordings
Another fantastic plugin!! Great work
M. Johnstone
Top class
This is far best buss I have ever used
P. Johnson
Great Update
Great Update to the Analog Classics Bundle that I've been using for almost a decade. It came with the promo bundle. I'll be using this from now on. I like have the Hi-Lo filter.
b. village
Completely totally awesome
I wish I could tell you that it sounds just like the hardware, I unfortunately do not have that type of experience. What I can tell you is you can instantiate the plugin and get a better sound without even turning any knobs. Add knob turning and it quickly becomes something on the mix bus that’s hard to do without. It really does a good job at making a mix sound complete. The tonal characteristics that come off the EPQ-1A on guitars, bass and the mix bus are mind blowing. It makes the mix closer to the sound I hear in my head when I use it.
A. Quintero
Love this
Subtle but so good on back vox and synths!
G. Akashkin
Interesting chorus pedal
Good device for special sound tasks!
M. Giorgini
Excellent Plugin!
As an experienced user of API hardware, I was pleasantly surprised by how well this plugin captures the sound, and more so, the “mojo” of the original equipment.