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UAD Mix Edition

Evaluation Globale

2601-2620 sur 10454 résultats

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N. Shaw-Hulme

25 mars 2022

What it does is very cool.

I’ve never had the good fortune to experience the original. I’ve recorded in tape studios and it always sounded great. Difficult to pin down but great. I recorded a duet on alto sax for a student to practice to. My default Neve 1073 LA2a bit then into the Studer A800
I got it running to about +3 and was just about to go for another compressor bit I thought hang on it’s fat and even already. Moreover it had an interesting saturation in the mids, it sounded expensive, when I put a Ampex ATR102 across the steeo buss it sounded really great I used a classical setting of G9 at 30ips airy and warm so tricky to get that balance. I can’t wait to get them on a mix with vocals. I’ve got Oxide which is amazing but the Studer is a different texture and flavour. Oh it’s amazing on drums too.

N. Smith

25 mars 2022


This is my favorite tape plug.

K. Beleznay

23 mars 2022


Worth the price! It does a good service in the master chain.

M. Gutierrez

22 mars 2022

The best of the best

I love it, I'm satisfied and happy with this brigade chorus pedal.

e. tiberi

22 mars 2022



R. Gilligan

22 mars 2022

The promise of Luna!

It's has been a slow process for me, adding all the pieces of the puzzle that create the promise of LUNA. Getting a full analog emulation, from tracking to the final mix, has been the promised land and the Studer A800 purchase has brought it all home for me. The end product is greater than the sum of it's parts and I now have the best sounding mixes of my career!

D. Fox

22 mars 2022

Great saturation!

This really works a lot of times on the Master Bus - in fact, I'm yet to find a situation where it would have been detrimental.

H. Arayesh

22 mars 2022

I did not receive them yet, you are scammer

I did not receive them yet, you are scammer

H. Arayesh

22 mars 2022

I did not receive them yet, you are scammer

I did not receive them yet, you are scammer

T. Harp

22 mars 2022

Love it!

The API Vision Channel Strip channel strip is easy to use and provides a very intuitive path to shape any sound. My drum sounds never came together so easy as they do now.


21 mars 2022


Sa clareté, sont punch, sont pre ampli sont monstrueux !!

I. Krstic

21 mars 2022

Fantastic Sound

In addition to the SSL E4000 Channel strip, this is what I needed, retro and fat. Great sound.Great preamp.

W. Yates

21 mars 2022

Exactly what I’ve wanted, and more!

The API Vision Channel Strip easily integrates into my workflow and sonic tendencies.
It’s a major improvement over what has been released by an other well known company, and adds the significant benefits of better audio and the lack of the rip-off update fees.
An engineer should never have to ever worry
about being tasked with paying for something again that is already owned.
The whole structure of this plug-in is wonderful and the sonics are exactly what I would’ve expected from an actual API console.
Thank you for getting this right.
Now, it’s time for the API Unison Console!

B. Schimmel

20 mars 2022

Timeless classic...

... maybe the most used compressor in history, emulated with excellence.

R. Aikman

18 mars 2022

Classic Analogue

Super punchy & wide! Great stuff!

T. Pereira

17 mars 2022

Character and vibe!

API is all about vibe on my desk. I’m pulling this one to get some real character out of anything, but it is specially shining on male vocals!

a. gyutae

16 mars 2022

Crazy Bus Comp

I love it

A. Giana

16 mars 2022

Sound good

Very colse to the hardware and essa to use.

G. Taylor-Brown

16 mars 2022

So Good

Easy to use and cleaned up the overall sound of the mix. Happy yes indeed.


16 mars 2022

précision et boost

API Vision Channel Strip Collection permet un travail de traitement de précision avec de larges possibilités tant au niveau de l'équalisation que de la compression ou du "gate" d'une grande efficacité. En bref, il faut l'avoir dans sa config absolument.

2601-2620 sur 10454 résultats