UAD Mix Edition
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UAD Mix Edition
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B. Nemenz
Motown Mojo and More
What a beautiful sound. More than just a “Motown” chamber. This is the first time ever a chamber reverb has inspired me to write a few songs. Try the demo and see if it makes you as happy as me.
R. Olmos
Sonido muy suave, muy sedoso, perfectos para cualquier instrumento o voz, simplemente perfecto !!!
W. Bene
I just love this
I have several UAD plugins and yes, they're the best in the business. They just are. I have invested in other plugins but something about UAD plugins. So precise and same depth as the hardware. I love it especially on their 2A emulations. No one close
.. Kim
I Love LA-2A Sounds
.. Kim
데모로 사용하다가 블프기념 정식 구매
역시 믿고 사용하는 LA-2A입니다.
S. Safiullin
Best Tape!
Best choice!
I use on different signals, from drums to vocal and this magic!
J. Ng
King on the master chain
Can’t live without it on the master chain. No unwanted colour or additive. Simply gave the track a shine. I like it:)
J. Ng
Changed it from the stock reverb plug-in and heard the difference. Amazing:)
A. Alvarado Rivera
They just make your job easier. The sound its unique. I love UAD plug-ins!!!
M. Abdulbyarov
Amazing plugin!
I think it's the best plugin version of original LA-2A compressor!
J. Reed
This reverb is amazing, nothing else like it. I also love the info it gives you about the different chambers, mics, speakers and history.
J. Seabrook
New Fave Saturator
I don't know if I'm using this "right" or not (what's "right" anyway?), but I really enjoy the way this channel strip saturates. Some tone shaping EQ and some compression to smooth everything out, built in, and I'm super happy with it. :) It will make it's way into more and more sessions as an input saturator and a mix saturator...
J. Seabrook
Not what I hoped, But still great.
I love working on API gear. The feel of the knobs are just really satisfying. However, after using these channels strips, I think the feel might be half of my love of API. For my money, it sounds just as good as my API eqs in the rack, but it's just not as satisfying. Don't get me wrong, I'll probably still have 3 or 4 (or 10) of these strips scattered about my mix... but I will forever miss the feel of the knobs...
My biggest satisfaction from this plugin is the Compressor. So simple and satisfying. I'll be setting it up as my default compressor on my Console 1 for sure.
h. josemans
Great and really super Tape Echo to use when appropriate to use!
Great and really super Tape Echo to use when appropriate to use!
Z. Gargaronis
Qualitative reverb
Excellent plugin! Really pleasure using it!
J. Szeszel
Very nice!!!
Best plate reverb for vocals.
W. Krol
So magical
J. Szeszel
Must have!!!
MEQ-5 is my favorite eq for vocals.
A. Viktorovich
Well.Simple and sounds!
Simple and sounds!
A. Viktorovich
Great of 2500
One of the most beloved compressors