Manley® Complete Plug‑In Bundle
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Manley Complete Bundle
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k. kiyong
I falling in love
I'm good user~~~ manley is my good friend
J. Klein
Sounds great but...
I really dislike the user-interface, because it´s so small I always want to switch my monitor to a lower resolution. Nowadays lots of companies come with better/larger/custumizable interfaces - think u-He. So - I keep using it, but it´s not a joy dialing...
R. Farren
It's ok not great, and for the money so good at that
I sorta wish I could have my money back on this one. I regret buying it based on the hype, and not demoing it out. People talk about how smooth it is, but it's sorta brittle sounding to me, not very 3 dimensional nor round. I think the top sounds thin, and for low stuff the neve plugs are just straight up better. For the top, and brightening things up in a plug I would recommend the Maag, it's way better, furthermore the dsp usage on this thing is kinda monstrous. The upsides is, that the lowpass filter is pretty solid.
L. Moorer
Great EQ
I love the sound of this EQ. It is very smooth on the top end and adds just the right amount of roundness and punch on the low end.
p. cerin
Magic plug in
I try the demo version and I make 10 masters in 2 hours. The sound is big and clarity.
I will buy it at the end of this month and thanks to Universal Audio for this magic Plug in.
Wonderful! The master is this!
Buy it!
J. Rostrup
A must have.
When you demo it, try putting in on mixes you've finished, and see how it shines.
D. Hedin
A Classic!
Ah, the Massive Passive...a legend. One of the most intimidating looking plugins of all-time...but one you figure it out, it can work WONDERS in the mastering stage. The curves are so smooth on this thing - the low end heft, a distinctive midrange, and a silky high end. The cool thing about this is you can really push it and it always sounds musical. A must own!
s. kgr
Great EQ !!
Manley® Massive Passive EQ is Great EQ !!
Looks Good
Sounds Good
Very nice, specially for vocals and Bass and drums buss
J. Rutter
Super Sweet
Just Super Sweet, this EQ can be pushed and still sound awesome! Great word UA
G. Kovács
Great for mastering
I have never used the hardware unit, but UAD Massive Passive sounds just great. I am using it mostly for mastering, because unfortunately it takes a lot of DSP power (this is why I gave 4 stars only), but quality has a cost. Finally I can easily boost lows without getting muddy, and boost highs without getting harsh sounds. Great plugin overall.
m. lanzalaco
perfect for mastering
Solve all troubles from mastering iin my studio
S. Yanyali
musical and adds character
i just use it for mastering purposes on the master buss channel, easy to use and sounds musical even with extreme settings.
K. Hegyi
Can't go wrong with this!
Pultec on Steroids basically... That's the simplest term I can give you! This thing is absolutely amazing. The boost and cuts are soooooo smooth you have no idea. It feels so musical and natural that it's the best thing to have. I advise you to use this on the way in via the Apollo if you get a chance and have the DSP. It does wonders and you save on DSP later on!
Good luck!
T. You
This is the best equalizer
This is the best equalizer
B. Miranda
Great for everything
Anyone who says this plugin doesn't work is an inexperienced audio engineer. It took some time for me to get used to. It sounds so good. It changes the frequencies without making it obvious. I have used this on my master fader and for mastering. Worth the money. Love it. Great work UA!
O. Hartmann
looking for some color on the master or drum bus? the mp is perfect for this! Especially in combination with the neve bus compressor it gives a great touch for techno that reminds me on some earlier detroit techno productions from famous artists.
F. H
In love
This Passive EQ is so so helpful during the mastering process in order to make pretty frequency in you mix, there are already several preset which give you the right path to start your treatment, and so you only need to adjust a little in order to give you a great final result. I use this one too on drum bus, sounds simply great !
Expensive but really make simple your life !
I wanted to buy the hardware
I wanted to buy the hardware and someone told me to use UAD software.
I don't regret it, It's easier to use. And it do the Job. It's a transparent Eq but it can shape the sound to give him a character really unique. And you got the mastering version with it.
N. Capelle
Manley Massive Passive Not So Passive
This EQ has changed my world. Just now. I used the real thing about 10 years ago and i love it then. Now my ears are better trained I loose my shit hearing this EQ. This is truly a paintbrush Eq. Colors the sound in a beautiful, intuitive way. Warm and chubby. SO close to the real thing, in fact I can't tell the difference, except the price range. I just bought a set of Neve 1073 preamps, a Telefunken AK27 and some royer ribbons and I got no cash left. But one thing I WILL get , tomorrow, even if the Mrs kicks my ass, it is the Manley Passive, i can't believe I lived without it!!
C. Michaux
Ce plug est tout simplement fabuleux.
C'est un EQ de caractère avec une précision étonnante. Un must sur le master.
Un vrai bonheur à utiliser.