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Formats inclus : UAD natif, UAD-2 Realtime et extension pour LUNA

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Magnetic Tape Bundle

Evaluation Globale

1841-1860 sur 2136 résultats

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F. Maliseno

3 février 2014


i put it in all drum and synth tracks before all processing - but it works very well also with the bass tracks - great analog deep sound!!!!

A. Hillman

3 février 2014

Musical Lube

I'd heard an awful lot about this plug in, and had experience using a competitors vintage tape emulation, but holy c$@p, this one sounds just like the real thing, i use this more a s a natural compression...

However it does seem to make strings (samples i.e. Kirk Hunter, vsl etc) sound a bit artificial, takes away too many transients.

Worth purchasing if you want to add warmth to tracks, as individual inserts on each track, or over busses to glue everything together

C. King

31 janvier 2014

A 10!

Knocked out of the park UA - the plug is mojo of all mojo. This raised the bar of my mixes thanks.

M. Mcnair

28 janvier 2014


Really love having a digital plugin that breaths such warm, musical dynamics into my tracks. I've been using the Studer A800 along with the Shadow hills compressor and the Pulptec pro on my master, and I'm just blown away by the sound. These really are fantastic plugins. There are a few more plugins here that I really want but can't afford right now, but I'll be back UA. for sure.

J. Drevermann

23 janvier 2014

Was "THRILLED" at first, BUT...

Check out all the inconsistent crashing problems with Apollo interfaces and UAD satellites for which there is certainly no apparent cure.
BIG WELL KNOWN PROBLEM to seemingly a lot of folks, but I was taken in by all the hype. UA got me for the price of the Apollo quad and at least that much more in plugins. Spec'd out 2013 MBP won't run the Apollo on any of the UAD firmwares either above or below 7. Great plugins, LEMON of an interface, and the problem goes on and on, well over a year. I thought UA was GREAT, now I think UA is "slick". Lost my endorsement and my now $7000 "loaded" Apollo Quad goes on the shelf, for who knows how long.... Total BULL$HIT UA!

T. Seike

22 janvier 2014




F. Henderson

22 janvier 2014

Master Tape gateway to the modern record

I love recording my out of the box mixes back in through my Apollo 16 printing the Ampex ATR-102 Mastering Tape Recorder Plug-In to the final mix. It sounds so much more like the records I grew up on.

T. Cosentino

21 janvier 2014


Not to violate any confidentiality agreement between me and Apple corp, I believe my audio drop out problem (re: my last post) is finally solved so.....I will give this plug a hearty 5 stars!

R. Boyce

21 janvier 2014

From subtle to over saturation it does it all

I've tried almost every tape saturation plug in out there, but this is the first one I have actually used regularly. From taming some high end, to really soaking up that low end, to achieving and old school tape sounding mix, this plug in gets it right with all the adjustments you need to get the sound you are looking for!

T. Cosentino

20 janvier 2014

I loved it when I heard it working for about a minute

Whether it's the fault of Apple computers or UA , the bottom line is that my brand new iMac doesn't work with my Apollo Quad. A problem that has now for me been over a month with no solution as of yet. So.........I'll review this software and the interface when some party can get around a fix. I am not the only one who has been inconvenienced both financially and time wise by this issue and the fact that, to this day UA states on it's site that this unit is supported by the 2013 iMacs makes them responsible to a great degree.

N. Picciotto

15 janvier 2014

Mastering with Studer A800 and Ampex ATR-102

These are REALLY great plug-ins as they confer to the mix a 100% wide and genuine analog sound that I had been searching for long. Using many sounds and frequencies, I need the widest possible bandwidth and footprint.
Check it out @
The Studer plug-in has been used for mastering 'ROGUE', as the Ampex has been used for mastering 'SIMULTANEOUS MULTI MOVEMENTS BENEFITS'.
I hope you'll like the sound and result thanks to these magnificent plug-ins from Universal Audio.


A. Phillips

14 janvier 2014


Can you say that here? Anywho, I was torn between the EL or this bundle and I will eventually get the EL but WOW. The Ampex on the Master Bus and the Studers where you need them (EVERYWHERE!) and there you have it creamy, warm, vibrant and pocketed music to my ears!! If I could afford all these plugs I would do it... I think thats how most feel about UAD plugs.

J. Brown-mccue

13 janvier 2014

Ampex is Great

This has character written all over it, if you want to drastically change the sound, usually in a good way (depending on your genre) the Ampex is a great plug in to have. It will eat your cpu, which is always a bummer - but other than it is way cool.
FYI, I give honest reviews, some plug ins aren't worth it, but this one definitely is.
The Studer is it's little brother, a more subtle color in my opinion, I use one or the other for different things - nice to have both if you can afford them.

F. Rivera

13 janvier 2014


This plug-in is a must own! It takes my mixes and makes them SHINE!!! it's like putting Murphy's Oil on your floor except it's in Audio! WOW!!!!!!!!!! :) I absolutely LOVE this sound I get from it! True Warmth and Analog sound! If you do anything at all GET THIS PLUG-IN!!

I wasn't sure if I should at one point but I gave it a shot and really buckled down and listened and I have to honestly say WOW!! It gives the music depth and PUNCH!! It was so PUNCHY it PUNCHED ME IN THE FACE!!! LOL! Yes, it left a mark.. Anyway... LOVE IT!!

UAD you guys PULLED IT OFF LOVELY!! I combine this with the STUDER A-800 and MAGIC!!!! WOW!!!!!!! WOW!!!! & WOW!!!! :) I know I said WOW! Can't say it enough!


R. Harchol

12 janvier 2014

Studer® A800 Multichannel Tape Recorder Plug-In

Glue, glue and more glue! Sounds great... thick and full, like I remember 2" 24. I put it on all tracks and now my recordings sound more cohesive. This plug-in will get a lot of use!

R. Harchol

12 janvier 2014

Ampex ATR-102 Mastering Tape Recorder Plug-In

Glue, more glue and a punchy, sticky mix. Cool for tape slap as well. Bye bye Kramer - Hello Ampex! Love it!

N. Cooke

12 janvier 2014


I thought the price was a little high for this plugin..... But once I started to use it in my mixes I could see why it held such a price tag! It's absolutely amazing! It just gives you the warmth that modern producers strive to achieve! I've not had the pleasure to work with the hardware, but this will do me.

Either on individual tracks or on the master bus... It's a gem!

Great work UAD!!!

Nath :)

S. Dahl

11 janvier 2014

Great tape simulation

Nice retro feeling! Glueing the mix when used on masterfader.

S. Hope

11 janvier 2014


Warm and subtle glue mojo for your mixes. Slap it on as many channels as you can! I made the mistake of buying it with only a solo. So now I have a quad too ???? Might seem a bit much resource-wise but it's so nice it eliminates the need for a lot of my normal compressors and EQ. Can't vouch for it's authenticity as I never used a real studer but judged on it's own merits I think it delivers. The price may put some off but compared to the hassle and cost of using real multitrack recorders it begins to look a lot more economical.
I don't personally use it on busses - that's more of a dsp resource decision rather than a mix decision. I'll hopefully be getting the Ampex for buss duties soon ????

P. Paetsakol

9 janvier 2014

Good Tape Tone

Sound Good Tape Tone
Thanks for the great Plugin
Requested the company to develop this further.
I look forward To see the exciting new products are next.

1841-1860 sur 2136 résultats