Magnetic Tape Bundle
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Magnetic Tape Bundle
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A. Crowley
Flagship UAD plugin :)
I was surprised how different this is to the Studier A800 - I was choosing between them and ended up with both! This has a more aggressive sound when pushed - great for rockier drums etc and mix processing etc.
I simply can't imagine not having this plugin now...
A. Crowley
Flagship UAD plugin :)
This was the main reason I started considering a UAD, as nothing in the native world comes close. Worth every penny and goes on almost every track.
Generally softer and more saturated than the Ampex, great for single tracks/busses.
c. yeorae
Cool Gool
Cool GoolCool GoolCool GoolCool GoolCool GoolCool GoolCool Gool
Can't say enough good things
Fatness! Width! so juicy!! I love this and is one of my all time UAD faves! Add it to your bus on master bus and see the magic happen! NO tape emulation even comes close!
K. de Wit
That last little bit of something
This Tape emulator is more subtle than the Studer 800 but is also more adjustable. While the Studer is great on the individual tracks or instrument busses this works great on the final Mix Buss or as a Mastering tool. That doesn't mean you can't use it on instruments it is just better at being more subtle.
K. de Wit
Low End Character
This is an amazing Tape Emulator. The low end it brings to your tracks is just spectacular. I place this on all my busses and it just brings the song to life. I could add it on every track but I like to be realistic with my plugin and DSP use and find just using it on every buss/group works great.
T. F
High range is beautiful and glossy compared with a plug-in made by other company.
It's recommended to mastering and a vocal.
K. Lee
This is THEE plugin to get! You want that tape sound? That thumpin bass? Them powerful kicks? The badass guitar sound without the digital fizz?
D. Nakonechny
The best…honestly the best….UAD has to offer.
This bundle will literally be the best investment towards plugins you'll make with Universal Audio. Not one of my Mixes don't have a Studer A800 or ATR102 on them. Put the Studer on everything from Drums to Vocals and the ATR-102 on your master bus and you'll be blown away with the levelled & glued mix you'll get. These 2 tape machines take your "digital recording" from sounding like it was done on a laptop to sounding like it was done professionally in a high end studio. Don't be worried or fear the controls or whats under the hood…simply play around and you'll soon get your head wrapped around what these monsters can do. It will without a doubt be the best plugins you buy for your mixes. Guaranteed!
B. Malcuit
ATR 102 rocks
The ATR 102 plug is amazing. I sold my 2trk tape deck after getting it. Killer
M. Ryder
Smooth subtle cosy? Very effective
I was told to get this from some one I respect in engineering circles. We were mixing down some tracks and there was harshness on some channels so this was the go to recommendation. It has a smoothing out type of feel a bit like the brainwork refiner (thats just my opinion) but it was better in that when pushed it has some nice subtle compression also which is hard to describe in words as there was not really any distortion more a warm together feeling of a sound
I suppose you could simply say it does exactly what people have been saying for years what putting to tape does to a sound so yes another perfect emulation for the UAD boys.
First insert
Put this on your first insert followed by an ampex, dial according to taste. Your welcome.
L. Swiercz
just amazing!
This is one of the best tape plugs, I use this on all of my projects !
G. Futcher
We have this exact tape machine at work. The plug-in sounds exactly like it or, if you want, totally different. I prefer the ability to change settings on a plug-in rather than commit to a specific real tape recording. My favourite preset is "Cassette"....seriously saturated.
E. Sevmont
Very musical!
I haven't purchased neither of the tape emulations, but I used my free trial and this is just musical, I'll def purchase it in the future. So many usable options, it's hard to mess up something when using this plugin. If I had to choose to buy and keep 2 UAD plugins, it would be the tapes, too bad I didn't know about these before.
E. Sevmont
Try it!
I haven't purchased neither of the tape emulations, but I used my free trial and this is just musical, I'll def purchase it in the future. So many usable options, it's hard to mess up something when using this plugin.
J. Esquivel
Killer Punch
This help me a lot giving extra punch and fidelity to my tracks, im using it on my master buss at every song.
Thnx for doing it possible.
s. kgr
The best of tape machine for me.
The ATR-102 Mastering Tape Recorder is Wonderful Compression sound.
All instruments are Great sound and final mix more better.
Universal Audio thanks!
S. Muscio
Top Tape Tracking Tool
This thing is powerful. I use it for drums mostly, but have used it on guitars and vocals too.
Sounds great when pushed into the reds on peaks. I try to aim for +1 or +2 on the meter with drums.
If you use the Ampex tape plugin, this is a nice compliment to that. Together they can really get an authentic vintage sound.
I've only worked with tape a handful of times, but this gives me the freedom to play with it and not worry about breaking anything.
Getting creative with this can also give you some cool effects!
R. Elliott
This plugin is fantastic! It will always be on my 2 Bus. It's also great to use on anything that needs some warmth, and is a life saver when it comes to taming harshness (like in overheads, brittle guitars, etc). I have barely cracked the surface as far as all the fine tuning you can do with all the internal components. I actually find the "noise" function adds some air to the final mix if it's recorded cleanly/properly. My one and only minor complaint is that it is a DSP hog so instead of giving it 5 stars, I'd give it 4.9 stars. You guys are the best. Absolutely love everything I have by UAD which is quite a lot.