Magnetic Tape Bundle
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Magnetic Tape Bundle
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慎. 高山
Very Nice
Tape No,1
A. Avelin
Found my glue
The best UAD plugin I purchased so far, and I haven't even learned how to tweak it yet. What it does is subtle but I blind tested myself several times and I found this thing making everything sound better every time, using default settings.
R. Hutcheson
You've done it!
Subtleties are key to what make these plugins so useable. Most other tape emulators exaggerate the effects of tapes whereas these are so beautifully modelled, by the time you've finished a mix and have run most things through the the A800 they add up with warmth that sounds realistic and natural. the ATR can be beast on the stereo bus, or once again, a subtle glue that gives a mix cohesiveness. An essential couple of plugins for anyone from the pros, to an aspiring hobbyist wanting to really extend their mixing capabilities into industry standard realm of excellence.
D. Schepers
Love it!!
It "is" the glue I was looking for! I love the way it makes the mix more alive.
A. Avelin
Got my glue!
Besides the 1176 and the LA-2A, this is the best plugin from UAD that I have purchased so far. No doubt about it. And I haven't even learned how to use it yet. Just by enabling it on the mix bus everything sounds better. I'll admit that it's subtle, but I love it!
M. Ries
Great on drums and guitars
These seems to work great on many things, but I particularly like it on individual drum and guitar (electric and acoustic) tracks. I usually don't use many presets, but the included ones are great for getting in the ballpark and then a quick tweak to get it just right. Gang control is awesome for working across multiple tracks.
M. Ries
Favorite UAD plugin
This is the one to get. It seems to always work on the master channel. Like having a perfect 2-bus compressor and eq in one. The Stephen Smith ultra-linear presets are my favorite. I don't think I've ever used a plugin that so easily improves the sound of a mix.
W. Slaughter
Warmth and Saturation!!
Very Very musical !! I add these to all of my music on all my tracks !!
I. Montelongo
Absolute MUST HAVE plugin. Better get it while it's on sale! Gives amazing harmonic distortion. Gives it such a human feel to everything. It's those subtle artifacts that makes for an amazing mix. 5/5
Everything from Vocals, to Synths (sometimes it just gives it that extra 'oomph' you need), DRUMS. DRUMS. DRUMS. DRUMS. Guitars, Piano. I mean everything.
M. Virden
Simply "Wow"!!!
Finally took the plunge for this and the Ampex and all I can say is "WOW!!! First inserted it on a drum buss and I was immediately blown away. Loaded another on a vocal buss and was left almost speechless!!! It made everything sound like what I was hearing in my head but not in my monitors. Makes me want to go back and remix everything I've mixed the past few years, lol. This thing is "Off the Chain" as the young folks would say!!!
s. beaubien
It really sounds like authentic tape saturation.
s. beaubien
This gives you all the great sounds of tape. Most tape pluggins only give you the saturation effect. This one gives you the warmth and the fatness, along with the saturation when needed.
R. Tiburcio
just applied on the master buss and the overall sound change to a like 3 dimensional stage .. I really love what im getting from this tape Machine
T. Sminge
Okay I am so old thet i actually learned the trade by using 24 track machines. Of course I had to leave them behind like so many others. The price of keeping them running, l and the price of tape, and the lack of editing possibilities, and, and ,and.
But i have never stopped longing for the sound and the tapesaturation you could achieve when gaining tracks different on the tape. But this plugin does a pretty good job giving me that back! I love it!
J. Cheek
Used on every mix! This plugin is simply great!
This plugin lives on my master bus and drum bus. It instantly adds vibe, glue and depth. There are a lot of great presets to help get started too which is great as there are never ending options in this plugin. Worth every penny!
J. Reed
Great Tape Imitation.
Its great to have BOTH my UA Tapedecks to run Mix and Tape types with . Saves Thousands $$ in Tape to Run these Decks that sound so Real ,I fooled last Client .When I Told him What I did HE went out and bought an Apollo and Plug-ins To run his own test on ..Again Great Job by UA !!
J. Reed
Great Tape Machines !!
I Am able to use plug-ins to TEST Tape Mixes and types . And Then use my Real Tape Drives ,SAVES A lot of $$$ . Great Job as usual UA !!
E. Sokolowski
Amazing versatility
This plugin can offer tape vibe in spades, or just a hair of analogue feel depending on how its set up and driven. Takes a little bit of learning to get the most out of it, but its a lot of fun.
E. Sokolowski
Endless Customisation options!
This plugin sounds brilliant - I'd recommend using it early in the mix process as it can be fairly noticeable and could potentially add too much of a good thing. The feature that really sets this plugin apart is all the calibration options - you can set it up just as you would with the hardware.
b. henry
If you want to fatten up ANYTHING!!!