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Formats inclus : UAD natif, UAD-2 Realtime et extension pour LUNA

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Magnetic Tape Bundle

Evaluation Globale

1981-2000 sur 2136 résultats

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V. Van

14 avril 2013

Quality of my latest Mix have increased due to Studer A800

Hi there,
Since my recent buy of Studer A800, plus a strategic change in my way of mixing. As you can listen from my artist page ( My two latest Remix Submission were done using Studer A800 on every track.

I'm owner of a simple DSP Duo core.. so I hesitate because of the price of the plugin and also because of using it in every track would fast let me without any DSP resource.
But I'm very glad of the result over all on the Drum track and the bass sound they are easyer to fit in my mixes. And I just begin to use it.

For my setup with little DSP ressources, for this plugin I took the decision to use it as an offline process, when I begin a new mix I process all my track with Studer A800.


J. Fowler

5 avril 2013

Such a beast!

Throwing this on first in the chain has saved so much tweaking... it just sounds right and fat out of the gate. Be cautious with the presets if using on your master bus, noise / hiss controls are hidden under the additional controls.

Y. Kawahara

1 avril 2013

Studer A800 Multichannel Tape Recorder Plug-In

Studer A800 Multichannel Tape Recorder Plug-In is good sounds on all CH.

J. Hammer

27 mars 2013

Worth the plunge

Bought the Apollo and these were the bulk of UAs March Promo. Put my 2 UAD2 cards on Ebay to help defray the cost. Went back to a recent mix and put the Studer on every channel, removed all existing plugs, my (usual arsenal), placed the Ampex on the Master buss. Besides verb and delay it was just the tape decks. OMG, it was that sound (esp bass & drums) that I've been trying to get for my entire digital life. Low end, REALLY low end, and punch, with a warmth that's been missing all these years. I'm amazed it took just 2 plugs to do what 6 or more couldn't. Bad news is,the Studer ate up most of my Quad. More bad news, now that I've heard it, I can't go back...took my UAD cards off Ebay. Gonna need a lot more horsepower! Thanks a lot UA.

S. Constance

27 mars 2013

Better tape than never

Great for that overall tape sound, some super presets. Ability to go from very subtle to really messy with the wow & flutter, tape delay and eq etc. So useful for track or bus fx as well as mixing / mastering.

J. Gonzalez

25 mars 2013

La mejor compra de equipo que compro en el 2013---

Lo primero que les puedo decir es MUCHAS GRACIAS Universal Audio Por crear estos plugins que suenan super chingones.
Mis mesclas suenan mucho mejor que con mis ante-pasadas,Todos mis colegas me dice (que chingaos estas haciendo en tus mesclas) solo les digo que Universal Audio es lo que uso y dicen que como puedo tener ese color analogo tan original.
Unos de mis grandes Amigo y productor me felicito por el color an la cinta Ampex-ATR102 dice que el no distinge que fue hecha en la computadora y que todas las carateristicas de la cinta estan presentes como la real...

Mil Gracias a todos los trabajadores de Universal Audio que trabajan tan duro para que todos los musicos,productores y ingenieros estemos tan contentos los queremos mucho..

R. Edwards

25 mars 2013

Adds so much punch

You never know how much this plug-in will add to a mixdown until you try it. I didn't think a tape simulator would do much but add noise, but boy, was I wrong. It just seems to take it from 'decent mix,' to WOW!

The two week trial is all you'll need to figure out that you're going to buy it, so don't start the demo until you can afford to shell out the bucks.

G. Starr

21 mars 2013

biggest reason to go UAD

Nothing glues busses or the master buss like this gem. It just makes everything sound so natural, familiar and in the same room.

M. Biffer

20 mars 2013


Not it only is it great for mastering it's great for a quick doubling effect on vocals and I use it a lot on guitars thickens them up

R. Hartley

18 mars 2013

A Must Have...

Both these plug-ins bring a roundness and depth to instruments and mixes that I'm unable to achieve with EQ and/or compression. The Ampex alone is worth the price of admission, together these are a must-have toolset for any digital engineer.

S. Watkins

15 mars 2013

It just sounds great

I have placed this plugin on the master buss of many different sessions now and every single one sounds better. As a buss processor, there is an added depth and width to the sound that is hard to describe. The plugin can also be pushed a little harder to get a really nice distortion to add to a guitar or a vocal track. I highly recommend this plugin to anyone who wants to add that extra something to their recordings.

J. Hawkins

14 mars 2013

Awesome Trembling Revelations -102


Playing anything you have recorded through this plugin and be prepared to have your hair stand on end as your ears enter the halls of godly sound. I owned an Ampex 24 track machine for a short while and honestly this plugin has got it down.

I was ready to regret spending the cash on this software.... that is until I heard it.... now I wish I had jumped on it sooner. There is NOTHING out there to compare this to, this is more than a plugin it is essential recording equipment !! I'd give it 11 stars if I could.

S. Hyland

4 mars 2013

What Box?

To my mind, there are two things that resolve the 'in the box / outside of the box' argument. The first one is production and mixing experience i.e. really knowing and understanding what you are doing, and the second is getting the Studer on every first insert (or every first insert of your most prominent elements if you are having to budget your DSP accordingly).

When the Studer's start working their magic, your mixes will have so much more sonic appeal, that you will soon put in the hours required to gain the experience, so it's the best starting point you'll ever define.

K. Margolis

2 mars 2013

The Real Deal!

It's like have my favorite Analog Tape Machine!

It adds the warmth, the magic, the Je ne sais quoi that will make any mix that much better. It's so real that you get the wow and flutter on your meters.

My, my, what will they think of next.

I use it on vocals, drums, bass, piano, strings and it transforms my tracks with warmth, depth and dimension.

One of the best Plug In's and a must have for any and all.

W. Krassowski

19 février 2013

Nothing compares to this !

If i could had only 1 plugin from UAD range would be this one.

Forget about any other Tape, Saturator, nothing compares, this is the Best Plugin hands down UAD Crew !

If you need to push up your tracks to the limit ( radio ready stuff ) but still want to sound dynamic and analog this is the plugin for you.

The Amperex gives some sort of final glue/definition and makes your mix sound just more cohesive all in all, its like Black Magic, put there, move some knobs and youre fine with another 2-3dB gain without distort.

Also makes your tracks be pushed much higher on volume without distorting, this one and a mastering compressor toguether are the ultimate Mastering Chain in your Arsenal !


A. Ryabchenkov

19 février 2013

Luvin it!

Great Plugin. I like the warm sound. It glues the tracks together

A. Gamez

18 février 2013

Enhance The "In The Box" Sound Experience

The Ampex ATR-102 is a must have plug in for every engineer that wants to add warmth, depth and a 3dimensional feel to a mix. I use it for mastering and for printing stems and it always adds so much character and color to anything I throw at it. It can be used very lightly or add extreme character, according to the user's desire and input for the song, but what comes out will always be so much better that what went in.

Being a huge fan of tape machines & analog equipment, having the Ampex at my disposal without the need of calibration or demagnetization every time I use it can easily save time & a bunch of money and for only 350, this plugin is a real bad ass. 2 days into the demo and I had to purchase it, IT REALLY IS THAT GOOD!

M. Gervasi

16 février 2013

The Final Step

Everything you've read in the reviews is true. This is as important to have in the master buss as the Studer is on the tracks. Together they give you the closest thing to tape you'll find. While this one is a lot more resource intensive it's crucial in order to get that sound you're looking for. It's not top rated through hype it's actually that good.

P. Talbot

15 février 2013

Great on mix buss

That one is now sitting on my mix bus and it gives it a nice glue and analog color.
I love it!

P. Talbot

15 février 2013


Great one for giving some analog warmth to any tracks.
I find it especially useful on VST instruments.

Only annoying this is that on most presets, the noise is on, and I think that this is pushing the analog emulation a little too far IMHO. For those who want to add noise, fine, but this should be off by default.

1981-2000 sur 2136 résultats