LUNA Pro Bundle
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LUNA Pro Bundle
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Y. Kawahara
Studer A800 Multichannel Tape Recorder Plug-In
Studer A800 Multichannel Tape Recorder Plug-In is good sounds on all CH.
C. Irschick
La2a Impressions
This plugin really sounds like the original which I'm quite familiar with. I even measured the distortion with an AP analyser and found the plugin to be a highly accurate rendition of an old model that I have. Also I love the addition of the very rare La2. It has a longer release which really suits certain situations. I don't love the fact that the default setting is not unity gain.
S. Constance
Better tape than never
Great for that overall tape sound, some super presets. Ability to go from very subtle to really messy with the wow & flutter, tape delay and eq etc. So useful for track or bus fx as well as mixing / mastering.
S. Constance
Real presence in a digital age
Choose your flavour and your good, tweak the simple controls and your perfect!
J. Gonzalez
La mejor compra de equipo que compro en el 2013---
Lo primero que les puedo decir es MUCHAS GRACIAS Universal Audio Por crear estos plugins que suenan super chingones.
Mis mesclas suenan mucho mejor que con mis ante-pasadas,Todos mis colegas me dice (que chingaos estas haciendo en tus mesclas) solo les digo que Universal Audio es lo que uso y dicen que como puedo tener ese color analogo tan original.
Unos de mis grandes Amigo y productor me felicito por el color an la cinta Ampex-ATR102 dice que el no distinge que fue hecha en la computadora y que todas las carateristicas de la cinta estan presentes como la real...
Mil Gracias a todos los trabajadores de Universal Audio que trabajan tan duro para que todos los musicos,productores y ingenieros estemos tan contentos los queremos mucho..
R. Edwards
What a difference
I bought the original LA-2A plug-in, and I was disappointed. What it added to the sound, I didn't want. When they announced the 'new' version, I was skeptical, to say the least. But, as my poor bill-paying wife would warn you, once you try it, you're going to buy it. I've been using the 'gray' version on vocals and bass and OMG…what a difference! While the first version sounded grainy, with a bit of tin—this one is just pure power in a knob. Rock and roll!
R. Edwards
Adds so much punch
You never know how much this plug-in will add to a mixdown until you try it. I didn't think a tape simulator would do much but add noise, but boy, was I wrong. It just seems to take it from 'decent mix,' to WOW!
The two week trial is all you'll need to figure out that you're going to buy it, so don't start the demo until you can afford to shell out the bucks.
G. Starr
biggest reason to go UAD
Nothing glues busses or the master buss like this gem. It just makes everything sound so natural, familiar and in the same room.
D. Gallant
A good thing just got really, really good!
I wasn't going to get these 'cause I have and use a multitude of different compressors.
Still, I activated the demo... and now use it on every vocal I record.
I'm absolutely thrilled by what this does to the tracks.
Presence is brought up front but doesn't overpower.
M. Biffer
Not it only is it great for mastering it's great for a quick doubling effect on vocals and I use it a lot on guitars thickens them up
L. Dodge
These really add some depth
Great sonics on these plugs. Nice round character to the sound. Really a great improvement over the original LA-2A. These will get a lot of use.
A. Joseph
The quality of these new plugins are a drastic improvement to the already incredible previous versions.
M. Denebi
I think those pluggs are Musical instruments that verkats an imotional Impact to My
Sounds. I love it you guys are amazing. Thank you for Malung My jobb Easy :) best. Moh
E. Lamothe
the new comps are
I Just love the sound of these babies
3 different colours and 3 different time constant
you can even stack them to create new sounds
I would love to see your take on a RS 124 and a BA6A
L. Malaguti
LA-2 4ever...
Beautiful bundle!!
a leveling amplifier, suitable for every type of source!
the sound becomes "denser", the plugin adds a lot of character, THD etc...
However, the result is very very natural and "classy".
Another step to the perfect emulation, here....
C. Visser
Excellent compressors!
These are very excellent compressors!
I like the sound of these a lot, different from the original LA2A.
Also, the updated GUI is very welcome.
Only the LA2 needs some more thorough testing, but I can't imagine it letting me down :)
E. Conesa
Amazingly easy to get awesome results!
Each one of these versions are fantastic.
The more I try the LA2 on vocals the more I like it.
The Grey is great on bass! Maybe better than the 1176...
No more hunting for plugins for a specific use.
The LA2A and 1176 collections pretty much got everything covered.
G. Piazza
Good but more subtle than the 1176 updates
These are not the breakthrough plugins the new 1176 collection is. They are good, but the two early models are a bit dark, laggy and almost muddy. There is variety, but less useful variety than the 1176 collection.
The Silver is good, but it is not far from the earlier LA2a plugin. The differences are somwewhat subtle. A little thicker and a tad slower. The Limiter mode is better; more useful than the original plugin and more like the Hardware - this is the real winner.
I've only worked with the Silver hardware, so I can't comment on how the other two hardware units sound - probably dark, laggy and a tad muddy! They were early 50's units after all!
P. Thurian
Sound der Spitzenklasse
Ich habe 16 gleiche Track´s verglichen. Teilweise mit meinen Hardware-Kompressoren UA 2-1176, Avalon 2044, SPL-Dynamaxx und dbx. In den anderen Spuren waren Plug-In´s von UAD. Die Tracks wurden Analog summiert und verglichen. Das Ergebnis war unerwartet klar. Neben dem UA 2-1176 und dem Avalon 2044 war die neuen LA-2A Plug´s die klaren Gewinner. Die bearbeiteten Track´s waren zu einem homogenen, fertigen Signal geworden. Bei den anderen Spuren hatte ich den Eindruck das sie unfertig waren. Das die Gewinner alle einen anderen Sound produzieren ist klar. Das ist mit verschieden Gitarren oder Piano´s genau so. Aber die Plug-In´s LA-2A classic Leveler Collection sind Spitzenklasse und lassen die Hardware vergessen. Respekt und großes Lob.
Y. Ngai
Teletronix® LA-2A Classic Leveler Collection
This is my favorite!Used in the GUITAR on the very texture!