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Apollo Twin USB

Evaluation Globale

101-120 sur 546 résultats

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J. Vaughn

15 juillet 2021

Possibly The Best Desktop Interface Ever

Concerning the Apollo Twin USB, one could pen exhaustive volumes of longhand, copiously peppered with all the requisite audio engineering vernacular, and it is indeed most worthy of being profusely lauded with such noble resound relating to its myriad virtues and amenities. But, barring all such garrulous verbiage, all may still quite accurately be condensed into a single, simple, succinct statement:


In 40 years of playing, gigging, composing, recording, and running live sound, I don't think I’ve ever been happier with a music-related purchase. An overflowing cup of true genius on behalf of Universal Audio! You can read all about its connectivity, operation, specs, etc on the product description page, so I'll focus on the sonic performance here.

The Apollo's hardware preamps are extremely clean, clear, neutral, colorless and transparent; a notable step up from the ten or so well-known industry brand interfaces in the <$500 price range that I've heard, and as good as the pres in a friend's $25,000 console. They have enough low-noise gain for very low output dynamic mics like the RE20 and SM7B, and will also work with passive ribbon mics if you fiddle with it in the Console software, which I found to be very intuitive, familiar and hardware-like. If you can operate a basic analog mixer (much less a DAW!), you'll have this well thought out GUI mastered in a few minutes.

But, the real magic happens when you tap into the UAD-Powered plug-in suite. Before the advent of digital recording, I recorded in some studios equipped with the coveted "vintage" goodies everyone drools over today. I can truly say the UAD Heritage plugs sound closer to the genuine article than anything I've yet heard in the digital realm, especially with the Unison preamp feature. When you open a UAD "Unison-Enabled" preamp plug-in in Console's Unison slot the realism is uncanny, with unmistakable analog coloration, harmonic richness, punch and that gorgeous, euphonic gloss and sheen. TIP: The UAD Neve 1084 plug-in in the Unison slot is utterly beyond amazing!

Finally, the Apollo Twin USB's real-time processing capability is the icing on the cake. Being able to hear your post-processed vocal or instrument in your cans in real time (< 2 ms latency) while tracking is incredible. It's literally like tracking through hardware. Speaking of cans, the Apollo Twin USB's headphone amplifier is very noticeably better than what you typically find in desktop interfaces. It drives high impedance headphones with ease, and sounds as good as my expen$ive rackmount headphone amplifier.

My only complaint with the entire package is that (depending on which plugs you're using and where) it can run out of internal DSP ability. You can't stack both channels with Unison-Enabled preamp plug-ins and 3 or 4 other plugs each and maintain real-time monitoring; you must turn some of the plug-ins off if you're monitoring with cans during tracking. While not a deal-breaker, it IS disappointing, and I do wish Universal Audio would've simply equipped it with more powerful internal DSP engines.

At the end of the day, while I'd never argue it sounds *exactly* like a studio full of the real, physical hardware, this will get you 98% of the way there at well less than 1% of the price. Plus, it takes up less than a square foot of space, can be up and running with just a few cables, is virtually noiseless, and never needs maintenance or new tubes and capacitors. It's already revolutionized my tracking, editing, mixing and mastering, and will no doubt be a close friend and indispensable tool for a very long time to come. It takes me back to the sound of "the good old days," coupled with unparalleled ease of use in the best of today's technology.

R. Raymond

11 juillet 2021

No pop's here whit AMD

Hi I have a windows 10 PC using AMD 2700 Ryn an a 3.1 USB MB. The USB Apollo Twin run's great no pop's just sound good on all my Daw's , ProTools / Cubase /FL &
NI Machine
I' am very happy ... that sound of a good interface I got That...DSP Plugins are Limit in the amount but the sound you get ...look you need to try them your self then you will know why I like them so much....they they say they do. Thanks' UAD for making this one.

j. Jensen

9 juillet 2021

Solid construction

All in all a good interface . But I am not impressed by the sound , its sounds good but not better than my presonus audiobox ione cheap beginner interface . What makes this interface top notch is the console software which is the reason I bought it , and that is totally something you can’t live without ones you try it .
Plugins sound good but not better than what you can get much cheaper elsewhere . To pricey in my oppinion .

M. Gant

30 juin 2021

Best interface I ever had!

Since I’ve had the Apollo twin I’ve created some of the best music I ever made. The latency function is outstanding and the plugins make my work all the more easier. Thanks for these great products.

s. sk

24 juin 2021

great sound


N. Zangara

15 juin 2021


Súper fácil de usar y con un gran sonido...

G. Akhtayev

5 juin 2021

Apollo Twin Usb Heritage

This is my second audio interface after steinberg ur22 mkii. Immediately I felt the difference in sound quality, both during recording and during monitoring. Pleased with the headphone output. High-impedance headphones pump loudly and with a margin. Unison technology and plugin handling is something. The sound just came to life with them and played with different colors. 2 dsp is certainly not enough for large projects, but for a start, that's it. No matter what others say, Apollo pays off all the money invested in it, especially since they give plugins for a good amount of promotions.

P. Higgins

26 mai 2021

Apollo Twin usb, this thing is crazy good.

Years with standard cheap read" interface... nothing wrong but when I got to experiment the uad dsp power plugins WOW, even for live performance they keep up as long as it takes flawlessly.

S. Collingwood

19 mai 2021

Awesome audio interface

Sound quality, Ease of use. Everything is perfect. Well done

K. Sarikos

13 mai 2021

Best audio interface

Perfect sound and preamps...

K. Sarikos

13 mai 2021

Best audio interface

Perfect sound and preamps...

A. Martino

19 avril 2021


Me costó decidirme a cambiar a Universal Audio, ya que he Estado muchísimos años trabajando con Rme Fireface, pero después de aprender y acostumbrarme al nuevo entorno de trabajo UA Console, he obtenido unos resultados excelentes con poco esfuerzo, he de decir que los Plugins son fantásticos y suenan increíbles...
Me imagino que según vaya aprendiendo obtendre mejores resultados que ahora..
Solo queda felicitar a Universal Audio por la construcción de este tipo de interface...

r. wegner

17 avril 2021

Class A Produkt

Sehr durchdachtes Konzept, auch am Windows PC Installation ohne Probleme. Beste Audio Qualität , Mic Preamp auch ohne Software Realtime Plug In sehr gut klingend. Besser geht nicht , wie immer bei UAD, ich bin sehr zufrieden.

T. Oehlke

12 avril 2021

Ein absolutes Highlight

Ich habe lange gewartet und mir die Entscheidung nicht leicht gemacht. Immerhin kostet dieses Interface sehr viel Geld. Die Installation auf meinem Windows Rechner verlief reibungslos. Windows habe ich wie von UA beschrieben optimiert. Dias Gerät läuft von der ersten Sekunde an reibungslos. Meine analogen Synths sind via ADAT mit einem 8 Kanal Preamp verbunden und auch hier funktioniert alles von Anfang an ohne Probleme. Die Konsole ist ein absolutes Highlight und wer ein Mischpult bedienen kann findet sich sofort zurecht. Nun zum wichtigsten.....der Sound. Da war ich schon sehr gespannt. Ich war vorher auf RME und Apogee unterwegs. Die klingen ja nun mal sehr amtlich. Das dieses Interface auch ohne die UA Plugins hier noch einmal eine Schüppe drauf legt hat mich echt überrascht. Der 1zu1 Vergleich über meine Studio Monitore und Kopfhörer ist nicht zu überhören. Mit den Plugins geht dann noch einmal richtig die Sonne auf. Man muss beachten, dass man nicht sehr viele Plugins auf einmal benutzen kann, da die DSP hier schnell an ihre Grenzen stößt. Die Sachen sind aber so gut zu händeln, dass man die Preamps direkt mit aufnehmen kann und dann wieder aus dem Kanal entfernen. So schafft man im Mix wieder Platz. Ich bin kein Fanboy Typ und es gibt Tonnenweise gute Interfaces am Markt. Doch das Apollo kriegt von mir eine glatte 1. Gerät Top, Treiber Top, Plugins Top, Sound Top. Danke

P. Pettersson

11 avril 2021

Works well in DAWs, bad in Windows.

It works pretty well as long as you only use it inside a DAW with the ASIO driver.

The general WDM driver is pretty bad. You can't use the mic in Zoom for example.

K. Chaudhuri

11 avril 2021


Superb pre amps and outstanding performance

D. Abney

10 avril 2021


I love this interface & everything that comes with. The unison technology is a game changer & the overall quality is a major step up from the cheaper audio interfaces

D. Abney

10 avril 2021


I love this interface & everything that comes with. The unison technology is a game changer & the overall quality is a major step up from the cheaper audio interfaces

G. Forte

8 avril 2021

Apollo Twin USB

I have always been attracted to Universal Audio products, I have a small recording studio and I needed to make the leap in quality ...
I combined the technology of a pair of FOCAL Twin6 Be speakers with the technology and quality of this audio interface .. I was really amazed, a really nice product, compact and reliable, which is enhancing my work .. !!

G. Rakovac

3 avril 2021

Apollo Twin USB

Wie erwartet - TOP !

101-120 sur 546 résultats