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Avis clients

Apollo Twin USB

Evaluation Globale

61-80 sur 540 résultats

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V. Guihard

29 mai 2022

Du matériel Premium

J'ai longtemps hésité - notamment à cause du prix de la gamme Appollo - mais après un mois d utilisation je suis comblé. Le son des préamplis est excellent, la technologie unison sans latence est simplement bluffante : le systeme Appollo est une révolution de mon process de tracking.
J'utilise quasi systématiquement Unison et deux aux. Ce sur ce point, j'irai même jusque à dire que le fair d avoir 2 DSP seulement m'impose de fonctionner "comme en studio" et de beaucoup "print" ce qui en soi est également un avantage en terme de productivité: plus de décisions, moins de tergiversations.

Mais la où le tableau brille peut être le plus à mes yeux, c est le sens du détail: Sorties et entrees unisson sur relais, verrou sur la fiche d alimentation, bouton rotatif aisément disposable pour nettoyage, la série à clairement été pensée et conçue par et pour des pros. La séquence de démarrage inclut un autotest rapide (et safe) grâce aux relais qui permet de rapidement juger de l'état de santé de l'appareil.

Les quelques petites choses qui me dérangent, s'il en fallait : les vumetres sont petits et mériteraient plus de barres, il manque un auto-MUTE sur les sorties MON pour éviter les feedback dangereux pour les enceintes lorsque l on patche dans le DAW, et le micro de talkback intégré de la Twin X :).

Une chose quand même me laisse un goût amer, c'est le prix prohibitif des plugins de l'ecosysteme UAD/Unisson qui me semble élevé vu le niveau de maintenance / évolutions auxquel ils sont soumis par ailleurs.

Au global, je suis très satisfait de l'objet qui est un bon technologique qualitatif pour mon studio, reste à voir si c'est financièrement soutenable sur le long terme vu le prix des plugins.

J. Sánchez Sánchez

28 avril 2022

little piece of heaven

Universal Audio...I send you my manage to know how to make people offering products of such a high level...please...don't change:)

Happy with my Apollo Twin Duo USB....I will dedicate my best enjoy and achieve great goals and musical purposes.

If you are thinking of acquiring one...I can confirm that you will be able to find the highest quality in sound...the highest quality in its accessories and if we add that they are a family/team that is only interested in obtaining quality/reliability/ professional service...well...a little piece of heaven:)

You can say louder...but not following :)


J. ter Borg

11 avril 2022

Happy with my Twin!

Had a MOTU ultralite for 10+ years, it was time for something new! Superhappy with my Twin, makes recording vocals more fun, for both the engineer and vocalist. With this hardware, a vocalist can hear himself/herself in a way that is more close to what it will eventually sound like in the mix. This increases immersion and allows a singer to adjust color, tone and intention to the sound of the final vocal chain, rather than the raw input. Awesome.

p. favell

8 avril 2022

An interface that dreams are made of!

I did many many hours of research in to interfaces before this purchase. The deal winner for me was having the ability to record and monitor my vocal performance whilst using realtime plugins at basically zero latency. After ordering, recieving and registering I honestly couldn't be happier with its performance! It is out of this world!!!. It's given me an instant confidence boost in the studio and my workflow has hit an instant all time high. The addition of the UAD system console makes it extremely simple to use, plus the twin duos almost unlimited upgradability with plugins means l will be using this on all my recordings for a very very long time!!
After a few weeks of use I can honestly say that this is the best studio equipment purchase I have ever made by far.
Thanks UA for your genius! I'm one mega happy customer.

R. Roberts

24 mars 2022

Best ever

I love this product. The best I’ve had.

H. Alonso

13 mars 2022

Excelente producto

Quería mejorar la calidad de sonido en mis proyectos y sin dudas alguna el apollo twin usb lo ha hecho.

T. Eljahmi

11 mars 2022

Love it

Upgraded my mixing gsme to a whole new level!

F. Verdezoto

8 mars 2022

El Equipo de los Profesionales

La Compre sin duda, me encanta la calidad de sonido que aporta a mis proyectos.

A. Steinwall

22 février 2022

Wonderful, on all counts!

I recently upgraded my home studio to an Apollo Twin. I couldn't be happier with my choice. My audio is now dependable and stable, and the USB plugins were an immediate improvement to my overall recording.

Y. Zolberg

19 janvier 2022

So clean, so classic

I sold my babyface pro fs and bought an apollo twin.
Working with unison completely changes the rules of the game!
Hopefully an update to vst3 will come out...


J. Wallstén

19 janvier 2022

Nice gear!

Lovely sound quality from cards and plugs. Missing one thing only; if I was buying a Mac and wanted to use this, it´s not posible...

r. gupta

13 janvier 2022

Excellent product



a. mazara

11 janvier 2022


It is an amazing gear for a start off with the vocals cant wait to upgrade and get more gears i hope uad make the apollo x6 and x8 x16 into usb ugh might not happen so i am going to have to build another pc with built in thunderbolt

P. Stürböth

29 décembre 2021

Great Concept

Great concept and professional quality, beautiful Sound.

K. Lopez

22 décembre 2021

Great interface for Windows users

This is my third Apollo Twins that I've purchased. Used to own the Twin Duo, sold it and bought the Twin MKII Quad. Excellent interface, but I hate using Apple products. Thought it would work with my Windows rig, but to no avail. Went with another company's high end interface (Antelope Discrete 4 Synergy Core), and it works great. But I had an opportunity to get the Twin USB and I couldn't pass it up. Works like a charm. The simplicity is second to none. Set your preamp, compressor and EQ and you're good to go! I'd tell you what my vocal chain is, but nah, find it just like I did!

My only drawback on the interface is that they only come with 2 SHARC chips. Coming from a Twin Quad and from the Antelope Discrete 4 Synergy Core, the two chips are a bit of a limiter. But there's always a workaround to everything.

P. Prinz

11 décembre 2021


Keine Latenz

T. Do

5 décembre 2021

Who can help me ?

As we all know, in the apollo twin x duo HE version, the dynamic range is 127db, however, in this apollo twin usb duo version, the manufacturer does not have that parameter? Can anyone give me those numbers?
I really like Twin x duo HE, but having a computer that supports the thunderbolt 3 standard is still an obstacle for me (at least until 2021).
I had to think of twin USB HE

F. Dion

17 novembre 2021


Just perfect the best that's it

F. Dion

17 novembre 2021


Just perfect the best that's it

M. Nicholas

20 octobre 2021

My new Favorite interface

I bought an Apollo Duo and an Octo USB and just couldn't be happier with them. Loads of DSP power and plugins that are so close to the hardware, its exciting. Ahh the 480L, just like I remember it in the real hardware and I can run loads of them :) Just fantastic. The preamps in the Duo are a good step up from my previous preamps and unison plugins are life like and work incredibly well.
Thank you for all the hard work UAD.

61-80 sur 540 résultats