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LUNA API Vision Console Emulation Bundle

Evaluation Globale

1141-1160 sur 2207 résultats

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S. Potaczek

17 mai 2021

"Legacy" Owners Deserve an Update

Cmon y'all. Give the legacy folks what they deserve: a proper update path (and $150 ain't it)

s. zulic

17 mai 2021

Greed not cool at all

I have doubts about UAD lately, this is not cool and they definitely should change something in their policy. Decrease greed for profit and increase customer satisfaction, change your course otherwise people will notice it and start quitting from UAD at least one good percentage will.


17 mai 2021

update ?

I won't buy any new emulation until Universal Audio does not change his "update" policy.

R. Fulco

16 mai 2021

Been reading reviews

I’ve been reading the reviews on this plugin. Let’s put this into perspective. I haven’t bought this yet, but I’ve been testing it out. People are complaining about the price, and upgrading to the new channel strip. Do any of you realize the cost of an actual Vision console? When UA comes out with the full Neve console emulation and SSL emulation, to have all 3 plug-in emulations will cost the same as a single high end 8 channel summing rack unit with monitoring capabilities. To buy a real Vision console costs around $110K +. Let alone where to house the thing AND the maintenance costs. Yes, that is your hard earned money and you have a right to be cautious of how you spend it. Guys that work on the big, real consoles spent their money on what they could afford. YOU are NOT entitled to just receive any plug-in, or upgrade/update.

This plug-in sounds amazing. But does it sound amazing enough to YOU to be the first one on the block to have the new shinny toy? Check your egos at the sandbox, kids.

M. Stiso

16 mai 2021

very creative

Uad came up with a very clever way to make customers buy stuff they all ready have and that is wrong. I like that the workflow is much improved but cmon. We deserve better.

g. karsdorp

16 mai 2021

So Bad!

Robbery! Nog cool

A. Prachnau

16 mai 2021

Reine Abzocke

Jetzt besitze ich Legacy so eine frechheit von UAD

T. Lanese

16 mai 2021

The best way to refine a mix

very efficient on drums and mix buss; rich of harmonics and super versatile on everything needs more punch

M. Wehlings

16 mai 2021

disappointing sales model

I bought API VISION at full price and now has been downgraded to "LEGACY"!! Now I have to pay $150 more to get another API VISION ???? I am sorry UAD this is RIDICULOUS.

p. sartori

16 mai 2021

An update for 150 bucks?

I own an API Vision Channel (now legacy). An "update" for $150? No, thanks. You need to rethink this.

S. Wilkinson

16 mai 2021


I've just completed my first mix using the API console in Luna and I am really happy with the results. I was mostly using API plugins to get my sound anyway but having access to everything natively in Luna really improves my workflow. All this audio goodness capped off with the API summing really gives me the all the punch and clarity I'm looking for.

L. Cordova

16 mai 2021

Una estafa Robo y Ridiculos

Compré la colección de canales de API Vision hace Un mes . Esta versión "mejorada", que es esencialmente la misma, dejó obsoleta mi licencia actual, y ahora tengo que comprar este producto una vez más para mantenerme actualizado. En mi lista de complementos, está claro que soy el propietario de API Vision Strip Collection, ya que muestra la licencia de este complemento, que tiene exactamente el mismo nombre (!) Con un pequeño lavado de cara que es de $ 300.00. Básicamente, rebajaron mi licencia a una especie de "legado", ya que no indica que ya sea propietario de este complemento mientras lo veo en el sitio de la UAD. Estoy decepcionado de tan gran compañía que estafa los artistas que apenas estamos sobreviviendo con esta pandemia porfavor necesitamos una solución rápiday sin costo adicional.

A. Alford

15 mai 2021

Ridiculous price for upgrading!!! How about some loyalty towards your loyal customers UAD!!!!

Ridiculous to have to pay $200 Canadian to upgrade this plugin which I bought recently. More and more people will be looking for other options if this model of fleecing loyal customers continues. A lot of customers like myself have invested many thousands of $$ both in uad hardware and plugins.

Give us a break!!!

P. Jones

15 mai 2021

I definitely hear a difference!

I really appreciate the fact that they have added the console feature and updated the API Vision channel strip, I really do hear a difference. I’ve been A/B’ing the legacy and the new Vision channel strip and I must say that the thing that stands out to me is the clarity of the new Vision channel strip, the legacy version now sounds cloudy compared to the new version (if that makes sense). I believe they’ve modeled the input and output sections on the new version, and the difference is on par with how much better the new SSL E channel sounded compared to the legacy E channel. In my opinion it is definitely work it to upgrade.

r. starkey

15 mai 2021

Biggest thing to happen to digital I’ve ever heard.

Absolutely stunning…thank you ua!

R. Rütte

15 mai 2021

habe vor kurzem die API CS gekauft.

Sorry, jetzt fühle ich mich als wollte mann mir das Geld aus der Tasche ziehen!

L. Cordova

15 mai 2021

Una estafa!!!! Un robo Sin Vergüenzas

Francamente UAD hace poco pude adquirir el Api vision Chanel strep ahora para utilizar me dicen de paga 149euros es un robot y es ridiculo porfavor deja de aprovechar de los artistas que apenas estamos sobreviviendo


15 mai 2021


Nothing. And I mean absolutely nothing can justify creating a plugin that you have to sell at this price with the current financial state of the world. Especially for the music industry, this is a terrible idea. UAD has been letting me down big time. One solution is the subscription model. While I would not subscribe because of my PA subscription, it would be far more cost effective for UAD lovers to do so. A UAD subscription would absolutely be worth it.

B. Nicolas

15 mai 2021

Soyez cool

Je suis très dessus et triste, je possède déjà le plug-ins, je demande à UAD d'êtres clément envers ses clients fidèle qui on acheter plus que 100 plug-ins et qui aime UAD, merci de nous offrir le petit sur plus ajouter sur le plug-ins, avec mes meilleures salutations

r. mays

15 mai 2021

6 months later….legacy

Not cool.

1141-1160 sur 2207 résultats