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LUNA API Vision Console Emulation Bundle

Evaluation Globale

921-940 sur 2207 résultats

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17 août 2021

API 2500 good to any buss but I recommend drum buss

just put it and 1,2 db GR then magic happen

G. Rosenfeldt

14 août 2021

Needs to be purchased again after software update

I already purchased this plugin several months ago, and after a system upgrade I have to buy it again. Not good business.

R. Gagl

11 août 2021

This new preamp is brilliant, but... an owner of the complete API Bundle (Comp, EQs, Legacy Channelstrip ✝︎) I would have expected a FAIR upgrade price. And now that I´ve bought the new API Pre, the price for the upgrade is even still the same!! C´mon Universal Audio! These Covid times are hard for ALL of us and your upgrade policy seems to be exclusively for the privileged. Quality has its price no doubt. But whatever we do should be based on fairness.

C. Stansbury

9 août 2021


If you dont want to give the upgrade to your customers for free. At least give us a discount for the upgraded model. I literally just bought this plugin a month ago. Only for it to be considered a legacy plugin weeks later. Ive always been a fan of UAD but this is pretty shady business practices. And for the guys trying to defend this. Focus on the topic at hand. Spitting out irrelevant information about the "good" that UAD has done has nothing to do with charging customers twice for the same plugin. Stay on topic! Nobody is saying UAD is trash. But this particular business move is.

A. Lizama

9 août 2021


We get it. It takes money to develop plugins. And i never thought I'd leave a one star review. But 149 dollars to upgrade a plug-in that I already own? That is ridiculous...

M. Leonardo

6 août 2021


If you bought this plugin within the last year def should get a free update

D. Crump

6 août 2021

It's Good!

I was a little shocked about upgrade price, but I still got it. I just hope that money is going to building a control surface :-) (build your own). I want everything UAD. That would be dope to me. Come on UA! Control Surface!!! But I love the API integration. It took me back to my Reasons days Lol, but this is like 200 times better. I hope there are more channel strips to come. I would love to see more strips and I will pay for it.

P. Gharapetian

3 août 2021

Better than the original

An update worth getting! I loved the original API Vision Channel Strip. It's now been out-done with this update.

D. Marais

31 juillet 2021

Agree 100% with A. Martin’s review - this an incredible suite, so stop whining!

I have already written a review that celebrates this incredible collection, but I just want to fully echo and endorse A. Martin’s review from 6/30/21.

UA is a magical company and I think too many whining folks here, who are scolding the company for charging a small fee for a beautiful upgrade, are utterly ridiculous and just used to things been given to them for free. It’s called R&D, people, and their work is blurring the digital-analogue border even more ~ and of course UA should be compensated. These negative reviewers are coming across as such entitled, petulant brats who appear as spoilt teenagers. Grow up!

A. Martín

30 juillet 2021


The world is going crazy, I have read many of the previous comments and I cannot understand how you can be so hypocritical. Universal Audio is exercising the Free Market in a totally legitimate way. In this way they can value their products in the way they want and it is we, the consumers, who, in the same exercise of freedom, decide whether or not we want to buy that product. What's wrong with all this? The old version policy to call it "Legacy" is the way UA uses to catalog repeating plugins. What's wrong? The most incredible thing is that many of those who are here criticizing the company have much more to thank them than to reproach them. Many of us have smiled when we have seen that emulated hardware that we dreamed of having in the form of a plugin. And all thanks to whom ??? To Universal Audio. We have been motivated, we have vibrated along with all these plugins for many years, thanks once again, to Universal Audio. We have grown those of us who have had a little luck in our effort, relying on these fabulous tools to achieve better results and that has taken us even further. And all thanks to whom ??? Once again UNIVERSAL AUDIO. So each and every one of the people who have criticized, should look back and think about all the way they have traveled and also think if it is fair to demonize a company like this for doing what it has to do: making money and getting ahead to continue inventing. and make the world of digital music constantly evolving. I am going to make a small criticism of UA and that is that they should prevent the insertions of users' projects from being affected for the next updates, that is a real reason for complaint but in no way does the persecution that I have seen on this wall fit of comments. It is a real shame and very ungrateful behavior. About prices, we all know that the music industry is not cheap, is a Prophet 6 at € 2,999 not money ??? Let whoever can pay it, if someone is going to hurt having paid it, think about it. This is how the world works. I am very grateful for the update, it is sonically an advance and for me and my work in the studio is more than enough. 5 STAR AS ALLWAYS. PD: bought, as always, at the release day. I have been very late for comments because I have had a lot to do with this purchase in the studio. Think about it

A. Jaffe

29 juillet 2021

Not going to buy - Needs upgrade pricing

I agree with so many of the others who've written in here. UA makes amazing plugins but they absolutely need upgrade pricing or free upgrades. I'm not going to pay $150 (and certainly not $299) for improvements to a plugin I already own. Just not worth it. That money is better spent towards a used real API 512C. Love you guys at UA but come on man.

E. Dolzhikov

27 juillet 2021

A shame! UA! Do you think we are fools?

Open 2 tracks with the same material. Send the Legacy API track to the left channel, and the second updated API track to the right channel. Has it changed a lot in sound? It's too much money to change the lettering. I don’t earn so much that I would just go and change the interface for $ 150. This is a robbery. I will not buy any more plugins.

J. Smith

24 juillet 2021

Greedy. Thanks for the screw

Now I have a plugin that says "legacy" ... looks great to clients who are paying me. I wish I didn't update. I paid several hundred dollars for this plugin, and you just made it worse. I guess I can pay $150 to get rid of the word and get the "upgraded" version which subjectively doesn't even sound as good as the original.


23 juillet 2021

Rip Off

I wish my first review was a positive one, there is a lot to like with UA but this is a total BLUNDER and ABUSE of your loyal (maybe not for long) customer base. I BOUGHT THIS ALREADY. I own the other EQ modules as well. Do this like the DBX 160 VU or LA3, which made me smile.. this really pisses everyone off for no reason. What bean counter decided this stupid move? Doesn't look good. Bad move UA.

G. Gonzalez

22 juillet 2021

Not gonna buy an upgraded plugin as it was a new one.

This greedy attitude from UAD is making me sick. We pay top dollar for your plugins, this upgrade should be free for everyone who already had the original version. Shame on you.

D. Binnall

21 juillet 2021

What a SCAM

I just bought the original a few months ago.. now all the presets I had are gone, and any mix I had an instance of the original plug-in on are out of wack. What the hell is going on over there?


19 juillet 2021

API PreAmp

This thing is a beast, I'm on my journey to get the vision console emulation bundle

R. Lincoln

18 juillet 2021

No Thanks UAD, I've had it with you

This is it. I will not spend one more cent on UAD plugins. I bought the API vision channel strip, and now it has "legacy" stamped on it. I have to pay 150 more to get the "Upgrade"? shame on you. Shady Shady Shady. PA is too good for you to get away with this.

J. Joo

17 juillet 2021

Starting to regret my UAD purchases

Why won't my negative review post? This is sad. I used to LOVE UAD plugins and I spent thousands on it already.

J. Joo

17 juillet 2021

Starting to regret my UAD purchases

Let me start out by saying I love the apollo interfaces and the UAD plugins. But I find myself buying more and more plugins to stay updated, with LUNA and what else. Is this all really necessary? Not sure why my API channel strip is now LEGACY. I was confused for a good minute wondering why my I didn't own a channel strip plugin I clearly paid for. Please, I spent thousands on plugins, there are people cracking it and not paying for any of it. Please give us paying loyal customers a break. Thanks.

921-940 sur 2207 résultats