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Avis clients

Analog Classics Pro Bundle

Evaluation Globale

621-640 sur 4627 résultats

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a. johnson

16 septembre 2023


A definite must have. Native ability a great bonus too

d. ruiz

16 septembre 2023

El mejor de todos

Hay muchas emulaciones de este compresor maravilloso, y use muchos, pero los de UAD están a otro nivel, aportan de verdad y hacen muy bien su trabajo pongas donde lo pongas, muy contento por haberlos comprado


15 septembre 2023

Cool Plugin

This is too cool plugin!!

A. Kostasenko

15 septembre 2023

1176 parallel comp

Using more like parallel compressors on my drum parts and vocals. Sounds amazing

A. Cengic

15 septembre 2023

A Great Collections

Whether I'm looking to add subtle glue to a mix or crush drums for that aggressive, in-your-face sound, the UAD 1176 never disappoints. It's a must-have for any serious producer or engineer seeking professional-grade compression in the digital realm.

J. Freeman

15 septembre 2023

Must-Have Secret Sauce

I have used other simulations of the 1176 but those days are over. Who better than the folks at UA to know what an 1176 should sound like? I am having a lot of fun with these and love what they bring to the table. To me, the 1176 sound is a staple in my sonic bag of tricks. I'm guessing Mr. Hull might agree...

T. Don

15 septembre 2023

Love it

There is alot uad plugins that I like but 76s are a must have i have also a hardware 76 i like to work with both if i need it, I am happy with the uad plugins but it's to expensive sometimes. My favorite is the AMS Neve Rmx uad version sounds really nice!

T. Poe

15 septembre 2023

Really NOT fair

The Fairchild makes everything better. Vocals, drums, and anything in between. Fantastic plug-in and easily a studio standard. If you are asking yourself what are the best UA plugins - Fairchild is right up there after only the 1176, LA-2A imo.

N. Grant

15 septembre 2023

The best Compression plug in, ever!

So true to the original hardware, it's unbelievable!
Love this bundle!

S. Shin

14 septembre 2023

Best Compressor !!

I love it !!

H. Romani Lescano

14 septembre 2023

Genial compresor

Lo uso hasta para darle textura analogica a mis grabaciones digitales. Uno de mis plugins favoritos

C. Rosado

14 septembre 2023

De otro mundo

Nunca pensé que está serie de plugins tendrían tanta calidad , igual a la que da el hardware original , la inversión vale lo que cuesta

R. Buckley

14 septembre 2023

No brainer.

Sure, there's plenty of 1176 clones/models out there. Many of them are really great and are well worth the money. But you'd be hard pressed to find ones that do what I call "the special stuff" like being able to control the drum shells in room mics without affecting much of the cymbals. Others just don't quite do it as well. IMO these are a must have, right along with your favorite clones.

N. Jeremic

14 septembre 2023

Best FET compressor plugin ever!

It's just great on everything from acoustic instruments, over to electric and synth.
I particularly love 1176AE in combination with either LA-3A or LA-2A to get a nice coherent sound on plucked and bowed string instruments of all sorts.
It's also a great distortion tone box for analog synths!

P. Toth

14 septembre 2023

Worth every penny

After using the legacy versions for free, I decided to grab the full collection - no regrets. The saturation, distortion is amazing, and the 1176AE-s with slo attack is one of my favorite comps for vocal.

C. Duran

14 septembre 2023

Gran Colección 1176

Muy buena emulación de este compresor clásico, me encanta el Blue la rev A, es el que mas utilizo actualmente, en general toda la colección del 1176 es espectacular. Aprecio que su uso nativo no consuma tanto DSP, Saludos

J. Gates

13 septembre 2023

The Best

Infinitely better than all the other recreations of these from all the other companies . absolute delight to play with

N. star

13 septembre 2023

Love this collection

the Iconic 1176 in the great edition, one of the best emulation that i hear, one off the best 1176 Blue Stripe on the market

M. Glodek

13 septembre 2023


Ich war ein wenig neugierig, wie UA seine eigene Hardware modellieren lässt. Ich finde das Ergebnis nicht schlechter als andere Emulationen, im Mix wird man daher wohl kaum Unterschiede hören. Dass die PlugIns als Emulation von drei verwandten Geräten ein deutlich kleineres Spektrum abdecken als universelle Dynamikprozesoren, liegt in der Natur der Sache. Ich denke, die meisten Benutzer hier haben bereits genügend Alternativen, wenn es kein 1176 sein soll.

O. Pedersen

13 septembre 2023

Super nice!

A modern Classic of a plug in. The end.

621-640 sur 4627 résultats