UAD Analog Classics Pro Bundle
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Analog Classics Pro Bundle
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F. Jordan
1176 Classic Limiter Collection - Thanks UAD
I recently upgraded from 2 UAD1 cards to a UAD2 Duo so I started purchasing the new plugins. I did not think upgrading to this new limiter collection would be that noticeable but I can see a vast improvement in the quality with the 1176 Classic Limiter Plugin Collection. I have been a user for many years. Thanks UAD...
J. Laurendeau
1176's that sound like 1176's
These are definitely some serious emulations that really capture the essence of the 1176. The attack settings seem to react much more similarly to hardware 1176's (the old 1176ln plugin never did in my opinion)not to mention the distortion characteristics are really close to the real thing. You get three unique compressors in this package, and though they are all 1176's they all sound very different.
G. Clasen
When u don't have a room full of real ones this is the next best thing!
When I bought this Uad-2 card I was Reluctant because a buddy loaned me a 2-1176 for about a year and a half or so prior to this. After having the real deal I didn’t want to spend good money on something I wasn’t going to be quite happy with. Then with a deadline to complete a video project filled with mostly borderline damaged too loud and too quiet dialogue I was spinning my wheels trying all kinds of pc software compressors. Broke down and bought a solo card. These got the job done nicely having more overhead then the others. The solo card got this dvd project done nicely saving me hours of editing time. Now for other and currant projects I can really find the sweet spot with these quickly. Trying different colors for different things, I
J. Vekich
Awesome, simple compression
For about the last six years I've been using Waves plugins...don't get me wrong, waves has been helpful for a lot of my projects. The problem is that like every other audio addict I demand things to sound perfect. I bought the Apollo audio interface just last week and gotta say not only is it spectacular but I was able to use a couple of these babies on the channel from an MPC and no exaggeration.....IT'S INSANE, A QUALITY FESTIVAL! It seems that with all of the plugins I've used so far from UA it's like ya just tweak to what you think sounds good and it remains sounding good for the entire work time...I rarely have to go back and say....that's not right. These compressors are able to take away harsh sounds yet add volume and clarity.
H. Bjornsson
At last I understand what 1176 is all about
I've never tried the hardware...I love the sound of all the other UAD plugs and therefore I trust these guys...and I don't give a damn wether this sounds like the real thing or not. I just love how it sounds.
I'm not that big of a fan of their earlier 1176 plug version... I used it only on drums. I never understood why every major mixer I read about was always talking about using a bunch of 1176's. Finally I understand why.
T. Lockett
1176 even more classic
I really like the new 1176 collection, it's way better than than old, 1176,
if you need a go to compressor, this is a top candidate.
S. Beckham
Everyone should try a threesome!
They all have unique flavor, The price is right, and most of all you'll use them ALL THE TIME!
For in your face vocals, and slammin Drums....ALL BUTTONS IN!
Seven Beckham; A Moth Aglow
A. Smith
Familiar but new
As the title suggests this is an 1176 but the tones and feel of these machines are different! Definantly recommend this I use at least one of these on every single song I make now. It's not just a repackaged 1176 it's been very much improved
M. Plietsch
Fat and juicy stuff!
The 1176 collection simply rocks...
Three flavours of compression that add depth, well known simple control set. The multi button/no button modes combined with the beautiful nonlinear input/output stages make them usable for a wide of applications from transparent to heavily saturated.
No buttons + hi input settings cuts a bass through walls of guitars without sounding thin or simply distorted ;-)
For many tasks the 'old' 1176LN plugin remains more than useful - still a great thing, less dsp consumption. Those three 'new' 1176s will get used on the more 'expensive' channels here...
J. Martin
Amazing bundle, definitely my favourite software compressors. Because I think the original UAD 1176 plug is pretty decent, I was a little hesitant to even try the new versions because I didn't think that they would worth the time. Totally wrong, they use a ton of processing power, but are well worth it. So good in fact, I literally traded my EL8X Distressor for an 1176LN reissue!
Best UAD plugin, followed by the Studer and the EMT 140.
S. Hlavsa
1176 Classic Limiter Plug-In Collection
1176 Classic Limiter Plug-In Collection are my absolute favorites. Fat , analog sound, like hardware. Thank You UA
C. Visser
Excellent Limitier Collection!
These are my new go-to limiters when recording and mixing.
I really like how they sound different, each has it's own character.
The 'No Ratio' and 'Attack Off' are especially useful for just adding the character of each version without compressing anything. Just to add a bit of dirt to it.
I only need to further experiment with the new 'Multi Button modes', but the 'All Button mode' is excellent by it's own. Sounds great on vocals.
And as a sign of customer dedication the collection is reduced in price for those who purchased the original 1176 in the past, very nice!
J. Holmes
So glad the 1176 was revisited
Great plugin. All the later gen plugs are fantastic and I use them all the time! I had an ok 1176 clone but these sounds better. I haven't heard the real thing but this is a useful tool regardless if it is authentic sounding.
I've always found compressor plugins to have no personality and generally make things sound worse when volume matched. However, no surprise for a uad 2 plugin, The 1176 joins the uad fatso as a useful compressor.
Very happy.
R. Dillard
Very Useful!!
These are really usable tools. If you have a working knowledge of the three different revisions on the original hardware, then you can begin using the plugins based specifically on that knowledge! This gives some of us old enough to have worked with all of these evolutions of the 1176 a nice starting point to work from! Nice job of modeling some real studio workhorses!
R. Geva
I Love it
I never thought the 1176 could sound so much better.
Great new arsenal, very usable. love it.
R. Dwyer
1176 Collection
The 1176 emulation by UA set the trend and has been a great assest to my arsenal.
But the introduction of the Collection bundle has lifted the bar with 1176.
The REV A is fantastic even if you use it just for the input stage, especially on crunchy guitars as it adds a little character.
The REV AE has a different flavour with the lower ratio (2:1) which makes it a lot more subtle.
The REV E is an improved take on the old LN and man it has saved me some serious dosh to buy the originals. Especially as some are as rare as rocking horse poo!
Well worth the purchase!!!
A. Medina
Amazing sound
It's work very well for me!!!......................
T. Ferraz
Rock everything
How to rock a guitar even more? Use this... I put this on guitars and it sounded amazing, on snares and it just came to face. My favorite compressor by far.
M. Zimolag
good for vocal
My first use of this plugin is the path of vocal
I'm very happy
delicate setting adds color that is difficult to describe
C. Papastephanou
Analog feeling
There is definitely something analog here ! I simply love them all. These days, I even prefer the 1176AE to glue my whole mix instead of the SSL 4000 Stereo Buss compressor. And the silver version is awesome too. It is able to bring an analog distortion when it's pushed hard.