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Ampeg Heritage Bass Amp Bundle

Evaluation Globale

701-720 sur 1023 résultats

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J. Raper

7 janvier 2017

Fat and Fantastic

Incredible recreation of the original. UAD does amp sims better than just about everyone and this is no exception. Wonderful plugin

A. Thapar

4 janvier 2017

Brilliant and simple.

So easy to dial in the sound I want, especially compared to other amp sims I've used. I tried them all B2B and this one gets me the sound I want super quickly.

M. Tomko

4 janvier 2017

Startlingly Accurate

I was relatively shocked at how good this sounds with just a budget Ibanez bass plugged in direct. This is the far superior Ampeg plugin from the UAD collection and it is already becoming indispensable for me. Also, love the included noise gate!

R. Robertson

2 janvier 2017

Ampeg B-15N Bass Amplifier

I Like the tone of this plugin on my Bass. Yummy!
I also found some pre-set guitar settings that work well on my guitar. (Nice surprise).
The Menu gives configuration options that a lot of us home studios can really use but couldn't afford. Nice touch UA.

B. Bell

28 décembre 2016

This Amp will do what you are looking for if you need bass midrange

I believe this amp adds that "it factor" to any bass sound due to its overdriven midrange section. First I set up a parallel aux and eq the original signal as needed. On the aux, place this plugin and work the midrange section and mic presets to find the one that sticks out. When you combine the two signals, listen on a laptop can hear the bass sound distinctly in a way I had a hard time achieving with other signal processors. This one is a winner.

A. Moest

28 décembre 2016

Ampeg SVT-VR Bass Amplifier

Why break your back lugging a massive bass cab into the studio when this sounds as good.

C. Laine

26 décembre 2016


its a whole new world out there and this is the shit

C. Laine

26 décembre 2016


its a whole new world out there and this is the shit

M. Wilkes

25 décembre 2016


This plug along with the svt 3 pro really give me a nice ric-o sound.


24 décembre 2016

Yup, it's the SVT-3

I've recorded and played through the real SVT-3 head plenty of times. I was tracking direct bass and tried the demo and it immediately gave me the Ampeg sound I'm so familiar with, and especially the feel as I adjusted the mid notch and graphic EQ. I finished tracking and mixed the song, loved the bass tone, and purchased the download. They got it right again!

Tony Correlli - Deep End Studio, Baltimore.

T. Prilesky

23 décembre 2016

Amazing! Well worth it.

I have a ton of great plugins from UAD and this is the first time I've felt compelled to write a review.
I feel the Ampeg SVT-VR does a better job than I could in all but the most ideal bass re-amp situation, and I've done a lot of bass recording over the years.
Very convincing simulation of a bass amp, all of the notes are evenly produced, sounds big, pretty much mixes itself!
I bought UAD's Bass Amp Room and was very disappointed. Very happy now to have the Ampeg, might be my happiest UAD purchase to date.

d. diersing

22 décembre 2016

Mixing bass :)

Great, sitten in the mix!

O. Lamas

20 décembre 2016


So, I had a session that included laying down some bass tracks. I asked the bass player to come in the night before to set up. He showed up with no rig. I downloaded the trial version of this beast and BAM. I could not get the Bass player to stop playing through it. He was immediately hooked, as was I. I bought the thing on the spot (while the bass player played on). I LOVE this thing. Simply perfect tones in whatever situation you throw at it.

A. Gamez

16 décembre 2016

Big Love.

This plugin, along with the other ampeg emulations, have become an indispensable tool for my bass tracks. Tracking bass DI and putting this baby on is an instant fit. Must have!!!

J. Jackson

15 décembre 2016

Great product!

I searched around and compared all of the bass amp plugins and I decided on this one. There are a lot of bass amp plugins out there, but for me this was the one. I'm glad I got this one and even happier I purchased it while on sale. Couldn't be happier!

F. Blue

14 décembre 2016

Sounds like a real bass amp - Brings bass to life

Subtle, or loud and proud.. it sounds great. Very very useful


14 décembre 2016

It make the job

I have this amp and the sound is the same.

m. zallio

13 décembre 2016

The truth

Never worry about looking for a real bass sound again, just put the ampeg bass amplifier and enjoy with the multiple possibilities of embellish the sound.
Or you can duplicate the original bass track and put the ampeg in the new track and play with the fader to mix the two sounds

S. Bakas

13 décembre 2016

Very possible the best amp plugin for bass!

Great tone as soon as you open this amp!Use it all the time for bass, sounds amazing!Great work UAD!


13 décembre 2016

Great amp simulation

Cut through the mix every time! Great presets!

701-720 sur 1023 résultats