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  • 4.9/5

Égaliseur 4 bandes riche en couleur, modélisé directement d'après une console à succès authentique.

Le plug-in Harrison 32C Channel EQ pour systèmes UAD-2 et interfaces Apollo est une émulation experte de ce classique égaliseur de tranche quatre bandes au fort caractère. En partenariat avec Harrison Consoles Ltd. et l'ingénieur du son Bruce Swedien (Quincy Jones, Michael Jackson), Universal Audio a recréé l'égaliseur 4 bandes Harrison 32C de la propre console Harrison 32 Series de Swedien – celle-là même qui a servi pour mixer Thriller de Michael Jackson. « Je n'aurais jamais pensé que l'équipe de conception d'Universal Audio puisse parvenir à s'approcher autant du son de ma table fétiche », déclare Swedien. « Dans les sessions Pro Tools, les égaliseurs Harrison supplémentaires sont une bénédiction. »

Réputé pour sa réponse douce et colorée dans le haut du spectre ainsi que pour son souplesse d’utilisation universelle et sa convivialité, le plug-in Harrison 32C Channel EQ dispose de quatre bandes paramétriques qui se chevauchent. Chaque bande – Low (40-600 Hz), Low-Mid (200 Hz à 3,1 kHz), Hi-Mid (400 Hz à 6 kHz) et High (900 Hz à 13 kHz) – dispose de commandes de gain et de fréquence à balayage complet. À la place des traditionnelles commandes Q, les circuits du 32C ajustent automatiquement la largeur de la bande de correction. En outre, la correction apportée par la bande Low est commutable entre cloche et plateau. Enfin, le Harrison 32C dispose de filtres passe-haut et passe-bas 12 dB par octave qui peuvent être activés ou non.

Façonner vos mixages avec l'égaliseur doux et riche en couleur qui a été employé sur l’album Thriller

Apporter au chant et à la batterie la douce texture analogique

Sculpter habilement les guitares électriques pour mieux les asseoir dans un mixage

Exploiter des presets du légendaire ingénieur du son Bruce Swedien

Accentuer la résonance sur les pianos électriques, cordes et autres

Retravailler intuitivement grosses caisses et overheads

Caractéristiques Principales

Plug-in modélisé sur la propre console Harrison 4032C de Bruce Swedien

Sous licence et avalisé par Harrison

Égaliseur de quatre bandes original avec filtres coupe-haut et coupe-bas

Filtres passe-haut et passe-bas paramétriques débrayables ("in" ou "out") avec une pente de 12 dB par octave

Fonction "Auto-Q" simple d'utilisation qui ajuste automatiquement la bande passante effective

Les presets d'égalisation préférés de Bruce Swedien

Fonctionnalités spécifiques au plug-in UAD : Gain, Inversion de Phase et commutateur de Puissance globale

Requiert une carte DSP UAD ou une Interface Audio Apollo disponibles chez les revendeurs agréés dans le monde entier

Avis clients

Harrison® 32C / 32C SE Channel EQ

Evaluation Globale


K. Sarma

9 novembre 2024

Absolutely great plugin

I love using this on vocals for that brightness and top end.

r. errichiello

10 octobre 2024

Che dire

Lo uso quasi su tutto un ottimo eq con un bel colore

C. Asker

16 juin 2024

A unique sounding EQ

Bought this after having seen the video with Bruce Swedien, one of my favorite engineers. Being a big fan of Michael Jackson's and ABBA's production values, I gave the Harrison a try.
It is truly great sounding, which a silky magic that reminds me of the sounds of 1979-1982. The filters are a gem on this one, not the common steps but a synthesizer-like sweeping filter. Magic stuff. If you're looking to add beauty to your midrange, tight bottom end or silky tops to ANYTHING, this is your new favourite equalizer.

I. Thorvaldsson

14 mars 2024

Plecantly surprised

I think one of the older models in the UA arsenal, so I just went for it, thinking it be just some bland flavor. Nope, It can bring out duller guitars in a very good way. I’m happy with it

D. Caruso

7 mars 2024

100 % Good

Eq vraiment intéressante avec des possibilité un peu à la Pultec ... Cette Eq est vraiment intéressante ... A tester absolument

J. Janev

14 janvier 2024

Beautiful EQ for vocals and acoustic instruments!

This has been my favorite EQ for vocals and acoustic instruments for years! It has a warm sound, soft highs and adds a nice space. It does a perfect job if you want to give softer highs to a violin, warmth to vocals, or beautiful mids to brass and synths. If I could only choose one EQ, I might choose this one!

F. Jessen

2 octobre 2023

A Timeless Classic in the Digital Realm

The plugin faithfully captures the analog warmth and character that made the original console legendary. The EQ section, in particular, is nothing short of outstanding. It imparts a silky smoothness to audio tracks and allows for precise sculpting of the sound. Whether you're working on vocals, drums, or any other instrument, the 32C Plugin consistently delivers exceptional results.

E. Koch

17 septembre 2023

ABBA, you forgot to mention ABBA

i just found out A Lot of mid to late ABBA was also recorded on the Harrison Desks with These EQs .... i gravitated to this one because i could understand it at first glance; and then having noticed it's a 4-Band Fully Parametric with HP, LP, And Low Shelf or Bell, it stood out ... so a very intuitive and capable EQ...then also my mom and dad had one of the late ABBA albums, so i grew up amazed at the quality of the production work on it.


12 juin 2023

Rất tốt

Tôi luôn sử dụng nó trong các dự án của tôi! ❤️❤️

M. Cafeo

9 juin 2023

The Harrison 32C/32C SE Channel EQ

After researching, watching the youtube, and speaking with friends, We cannot wait to get the time with new music to listen to and work with this unique item.
Thanks HARRISON and UAD!

C. Romagnoli

9 avril 2023

Must have

Secrets from the past!

I. Hwang

19 décembre 2022

best one

the best musical eq I've ever used

M. Bernabel

11 juillet 2022


I love this EQ. If Bruce Swedien made Thriller with only Harrison than that should be a lesson to us all! This EQ reminds me that its all about the ear not the gear!

P. Toth

25 avril 2022

Best color EQ

I'm trying to record everything properly, so when I usually EQ, I'm looking for color - and that's where the Harrison is a real best. Also the filters are just super effective with, and I can spare a lot of DSP capacity.

I. Macaulay

8 janvier 2022

It's got a "sound"

First of all, I love the layout of this EQ, it is super intuitive to use. The bands are pretty subtle compared with other colour EQs, which actually allows for more gradients when making adjustments. The Gain knob is where the EQ can reach extreme settings and break up. Instantly lends a vintage vibe to instruments.

D. Davis

7 décembre 2021

Not really in love with this thing...regret buying it.

I used this plug for a bit and thought it was pretty decent so I popped on it, and I regret it now. Apparently Harrison released their version of this EQ natively and didn't include any of the harmonic distortion that would make it sound like the original. That means there wasn't anything different about it from any other standard EQ except for the curves it was made with....which anyone could do with any stock EQ with the Q function. Apparently UAD knew this wasn't going to fly with their customers so they did ad something to the plug to make it "vibe" a bit, but I'm still not impressed. Look this up if you'd like. Paul Third on youtube talks about this in depth and there are some google articles that cover it.

Having said that, this is not even close to being in the ballpark of something like the Softube active and passive EQ's. Those are way more analog and warm and full musical sounding to me. I guess I should preface that I purchased this because someone said you can boost 3k in this thing and it's a dream. That's home base for the range of vocals I was trying to perfect so I popped on it. It's ok. But with the softube I can push there and it never sounds wrong even when overdone and right in your face. The Harrison is not like's just ok...especially if you have great signals and sources to work with......but I don't think it's got any magic like the ones I mentioned. But demo it out and see for yourself, you might really like it. Maybe I'll go back and try it again with some different mics and stuff...but for now I just feel like I wasted a bunch of money on an overpriced plug. My fault though considering I had 14 days to figure it out. I just hadn't fallen upon the softube stuff before I bought this one. Live and learn. Keep making music, YMMV

D. Arroyo

27 novembre 2021


nice... i use it every time..all the time nice...

B. Zhao

20 septembre 2021

It's like a magic!

You can hear the sonic differences immediately even without tuning anything on the panel. Of course you will obtain a more pleasing sound using this EQ. I thought it might use some harmonic distortion tricks like other coloring plug-ins. But when I used a tone generator and a spectrum analyzer to check this, surprisingly found that my guess was wrong. I've no idea how they achieve such result. It's like a magic.


5 juillet 2021


Very smooth!!!

S. Casu

9 juin 2021


After having tested it I can not do without it, especially used as a low and high pass filter.