710 Twin-Finity™ Tone-Blending Mic Preamplifier
Obtenez le son des lampes, celui des transistors, et tous les intermédiaires avec cet unique préampli micro/boîtier de direct.
Le 710 Twin-Finity™ est un préampli micro UA primé, de conception révolutionnaire, qui combine la chaleur rétro classique des lampes et le mordant des transitoires grâce aux transistors, le tout dans une unité demi-rack 2U. Le 710 a été spécialement créé pour apporter la polyvalence tonale et l'inspiration sonore qui manquent aux préamplis génériques des interfaces audio.
Le dosage des sonorités est réglable en continu de 100 % lampe à 100 % transistors, offrant un éventail quasiment infini de sons de préampli uniques, avec la possibilité de composer facilement votre propre signature sonore. Il existe beaucoup de préamplificateurs à lampes et à transistors de prix raisonnable, mais le 710 Twin-Finity est le seul qui offre le meilleur des deux mondes – ainsi que tout ce qui se trouve entre les deux – dans un seul et même boîtier, et à la portée du budget de tout project studio sérieux. Comprend un kit de montage en rack 19 pouces pour une ou deux unités.Exploiter les propriétés sonores caractéristiques des lampes et des transistors dans un seul et même préampli/boîtier de direct
Mélanger les sons de lampe et de transistors pour une multitude de textures et de sonorités
Libérer le potentiel de votre panoplie de micros avec un préampli fortement polyvalent
Enregistrer facilement guitare, basse ou claviers avec l'entrée instrument sur jack 6,35 mm haute impédance (Hi-Z) de la face avant
Le nec plus ultra de la flexibilité pour un préampli micro
La clé de la flexibilité sonore du 710 Twin-Finity réside dans son innovante conception de circuit, qui comprend un ampli d'entrée transimpédance à transistors gérant simultanément - et en phase! - les étages de gain à lampe et à transistors, dont la sommation est ensuite adressée à une seule sortie. Le mélange entre l'étage de classe A single-ended à triode 310 volts et l'étage transimpédance à transistors se contrôle au moyen du potentiomètre « ∞ ». Le panachage est réglable en continu de 100 % lampe à 100 % transistors, offrant un éventail quasiment infini de sons de préampli uniques, et la possibilité de composer facilement votre propre signature sonore.
Permis de saturer
Comme tous nos autres modèles de préampli, le 710 dispose d'une double commande d'étage de gain (gain/niveau) qui peut faire varier du tout au tout l'ampleur de la coloration et de la distorsion, en vous permettant de pousser le gain d'entrée comme sur un ampli de guitare. Le VU-mètre dispose d'un mode « Drive » unique pour voir à quel point vous saturez l'étage d'entrée.
Avis clients
T. Cherry
10 août 2024
My Go To Unit
Perfect addition to my studio. I use it with a Neumann TLM49 mic. Had number ones come out of this setup. For reference, please...
En lire plusD. Ho
23 juin 2023
“Ace Of All Trades”
A beautiful tone is a given with the 710 Twin-Finity. But what sets this preamp above the rest are the kinds of tones you can get with it. Leaning on the solid state side for transient...
En lire plusG. Amato
17 janvier 2022
It's my only analog preamp
Love the 710, specially the blend function between tube and resistor. I use it mainly on vocal.
En lire plusI. Ivanov
18 novembre 2019
Great unit but not exactly as promised
This unit has been out for quite a long time now. It is a great preamp- musical and solid. I found that if you swap the factory tubes with better ones you get much better results. The tone...
En lire plusS. Ribeiro
8 novembre 2019
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En lire plus -
Préampli micro/ligne hybride à panachage Twin-Finity™ et boîtier de direct haute impédance pour instrument
Double circuit de préampli, à lampe 310 volts de classe A et transimpédance à transistors
Mélange en phase des étages lampe et transistors
Double étage de gain : jouez avec le gain, du son le plus doux au son le plus crunchy
Entrée directe distincte à JFET avec ultra haute impédance de 2,2 Mohms
Étage de sortie symétrique monolithique
Gain de plus de 70 dB, alimentation fantôme +48 V, atténuateur (-15 dB), inverseur de phase et filtre coupe-bas (75 Hz)
VU-mètre rétroéclairé de sortie et de saturation
Modèle portable, montable en rack pour bureau, scène ou studio
Kit de montage en rack 19 pouces inclus
Entrée haute impédance en face avant (commutation micro/ligne automatique par détection de jack)
Entrée micro sur XLR, entrée ligne sur XLR et sortie ligne sur XLR en face arrière
Alimentation interne universelle
Construction métallique robusteSpecifications
Microphone (Female XLR)
Balanced Line (Female XLR)
Unbalanced Instrument (1/4" jack) (D.I.)
Balanced Line (Male XLR)
Tube Complement
High Pass Filter
Maximum Power Consumption
160mA @120VAC, 20W
Power Requirements
8.45W x 3.5H x 10.25D
5.25 lb
Mic Input Impedance
2K ohms
Line Input Impedance
10K ohms
Hi-Z Input Impedance
2.2M ohms
Internal Output Impedance
600 ohms
Gain Range for Unit
-Infinity to 70dBu
Mic Range Gain Pot
10 ~ 60 dBu
Line Range Gain Pot
-10 ~ 40 dBu
Hi-Z Range Gain Pot
-10 ~ 40 dBu
Frequency Response
Mic Frequency Response
20Hz to 100kHz +/- 0.2 dBu
Line Frequency Response
20Hz to 100kHz +/- 0.2 dBu
Hi-Z Frequency Response
20Hz to 100kHz +/- 0.2 dBu
Min THD+Noise @ +4dBU
0.1% tube 0.005% solid-state
Avis clients
710 Twin-Finity™
T. Cherry
My Go To Unit
Perfect addition to my studio. I use it with a Neumann TLM49 mic. Had number ones come out of this setup. For reference, please check out Parmalee "Just The Way". Song was recorded at my studio with this setup. You can't go wrong with it!!!!
D. Ho
“Ace Of All Trades”
A beautiful tone is a given with the 710 Twin-Finity. But what sets this preamp above the rest are the kinds of tones you can get with it. Leaning on the solid state side for transient attacks (overheads, guitar, metal percussion), and the tube preamp to fill out and warm up vocals, cello, woodwinds provides clarity and separation even before you start mixing!
G. Amato
It's my only analog preamp
Love the 710, specially the blend function between tube and resistor. I use it mainly on vocal.
g. tidas
Pré Ampli au top
très simple d'utilisation. Il fait le job
F. Bell
UAD Finity kann nicht registriert werden!?!
Leider kann ich meine Finity 710 nicht registrieren, warum nicht???
I. Ivanov
Great unit but not exactly as promised
This unit has been out for quite a long time now. It is a great preamp- musical and solid. I found that if you swap the factory tubes with better ones you get much better results. The tone blending feature is a gimmick tho. Good unit overall but not exactly as promised.
S. Ribeiro
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T. Garrett
Workhorse of a preamp!
I've had this unit for a while now and it has been a heck of a preamp. No wonder they are still selling them. Great tones and clean sound.
S. López
Lo que buscaba
Justo lo que buscaba para mi Home studio y mi bajo eléctrico
v. ramani
I first had the UA twinfinity 710, but sent it back for a Solo 610, which works very well. However i realised i also like the product of the 710, as it is a very good pre amp, so I decided i wanted, so i re purchased it. iI find that UA products are well made and perform very well.
J. Iantorno
Every Little Thing UA Does IS Magic.
So, I've been engineering for a while now and one of my pet peeves has always been getting a great hat sound. This was the motivation behind grabbing the 710. It only took a few minutes to dial in the sound I've been hearing in my head all these years. And don't get me wrong, this pre sounds great on guitars too! Very versatile box.
s. soeun
Love It
Just recently purchased UAD Arrow with this 710 and I must say..... it’s the only way to go if you’re the type that love having desk space. Sounds that I’ve achieved with the Neumann TLM 102 and the slate microphone through this pre - amp are phenomenal ! I recommend all to have this setup !
M. Magzalci
I do not hear Universal Audio quality!
I have two 710 devices and unfortunately I have to say that I am very disappointed. When a device it starts to crack when I turn the poti. I rarely use them. The fact that these devices are so vulnerable may have something to do with the fact that they are "Made in China" and not like other devices (610 Mark2) are not made in-house. I will try to resell these devices and would not recommend them for these devices. The character difference between clean and with tube are very very small. That's why I bought these preamps. You have to be very careful with the tube sound. Already in the middle position it can come in the mix to distortions which are very quiet when recording. But these come after compressing extremely forward. It is best to operate this preamp clean. Who has the money should rather buy a LA 610 Mark 2. Worth every penny but this preamp is not for me Universal Audio Preamp!
M. Magzalci
I do not hear Universal Audio quality!
I have two 710 devices and unfortunately I have to say that I am very disappointed. When a device it starts to crack when I turn the poti. I rarely use them. The fact that these devices are so vulnerable may have something to do with the fact that they are "Made in China" and not like other devices (610 Mark2) are not made in-house. I will try to resell these devices and would not recommend them for these devices. The character difference between clean and with tube are very very small. That's why I bought these preamps. You have to be very careful with the tube sound. Already in the middle position it can come in the mix to distortions which are very quiet when recording. But these come after compressing extremely forward. It is best to operate this preamp clean. Who has the money should rather buy a LA 610 Mark 2. Worth every penny but this preamp is not for me Universal Audio Preamp!
J. Jimenez Rosriguez
Excellent device
Ah quel bonheur!!
Je l'ai acheté il y a quelques années avec ma première UAD2 et je m'en sers pour tout. Voix, bien-sûr mais aussi mes basses, mes guitares avec ce petit "growl" bien chaleureux de la petite lampe (que je changerai peut-être un jour au profit d'un modèle légèrement plus chaud encore). Je l'adore, c'est mon petit pote qui fait tout à la maison sauf le ménage, ça ce sont les plugs UA qui s'en chargent et avec tout autant de brio.D. Boudreau
Not hearing all the hype
Okay so I've read a ton of reviews about this product. How it gives a plethora of tone variety etc. But I don't hear any difference between the solid state side as opposed to tube. Maybe I have a faulty unit I'm not sure. There isn't even a lot of difference between the mic preamp in a little Presonus Firestudio audio interface and this unit. Definitely not $700 worth I'll probably be returning it.
G. Braga
Great product!
I'm really impress with all tone managements on a simple device like he 710 Twin-Finity. Great product for the budget.
Will be better with a stereo output, but works nicely!R. Bouma
Excellence heavyweight for the long run
It has all you need. They nailed it with this baby. For many years now it just brings what I need from a mic & line pre-amp. hiZ input sounds de-luxe, put a mic true it and it has a clean to warm sound with the blend (Fet mix Tube) function to top it of. It has al the basic functionality an input needs. Even if you set the input on fire and totally destroy it you will like the X-factor. Great dynamics.. End conclusion: a 10+ Its a fact that many hits are recorded today with this tool in combination with the apollo's. Thanks for reading!
S. Kirkegaard
Enough said.